1. Hi i want to make a pvp raiding zone and a pve none riading zone zone but i don't want pve players to be able to raid in the pvp zone
    I have installed zone manager and created a zone for pve only with no building destroy no looting players and pvp god mode but cant figure out how to stop pve players from raiding pvp players as this is unfair to pvp players ,the only way i can think of doing this is to give each player that joins permission to enter pvp or pve but i would have to be on server 24/7 .
    what i am needing is a button so players can pick pvp or pve on connect then they can only enter that zone as it would grant permission to enter pvp or pve ? there is a true pve/pvp plug in but i believe its not working ,any idea's or suggestion will be greatly appreciated
  2. So a player connects, picks either pvp or pve and then gets moved into that zone and can't get into other one?
  3. Sort of they can go into the zone as there will be loot boxes,monuments ext but cannot raid or can raid depending on which zone and what they pick , had another thought only need 1 zone as by default server itself will be PVP so only need to make PVE zone or vice versa turn off PVP in config