1. I ran into a problem with user names in oxide permissions oxide.users.json
    If I wipe a server and reinstall the permissions data file the old names are still in the list.
    but when the players return and want to modify a new name the permissions keep defaulting back to thier old name.
    how can I delete a players old name so it does not default back>?

    How can I rename a user in the group that has changed his name? in the oxide.users.json
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2015
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The "LastSeenNickname" changes are handled automatically generally. If you edit a file manually while the server is running, the changes will not be saved, as the server saves to the file from memory.
  3. What if I delete the file while servers down. will it cause any problems?
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It'd start with an empty one when started.
  5. I had problems with mine and wiped the file so its empty, how do I start setting the permmison re added to each player?
  6. The default groups (player, moderator and admin) are automaticly generated when you start the server. Players are automaticly placed into one of these groups, depending on their authlvl, when they join the server.
    All other permissions have to be set by yourself.
  7. this didn't happen its still empty :(
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If the file is completely empty, there's either any issue with your server or your host.