1. I have a lot of permission on the server, which I would like to give them at the start and then delete :)
    How can I quickly add all permissions?
    I can create a group of permissions.
    oxide.group add "vip"
    Or I can add a permisson in default group?
    "DefaultGroups": {
           "Players": "default", <---- here?
           "Administrators": "admin"oxide.grant group default oxide.related
    Is there a way to quickly add a permisson?
    Or I will have to enter
    oxide.grant group "admin" "oxide.reload"
    of all permissions?
    And if I delete the player's permissions
    oxide.revoke user Wulf oxide.exit
    Will it work if he is in a group?

    And if I have to create a new grouphow do I automatically add a player to it?example:
    oxide.group add VIP
    oxide.grant group VIP oxide. reload1
    oxide.grant group VIP oxide. reload 2
    oxide.grant group VIP oxide. reload 3orexample:
    oxide.group add default
    oxide.grant group VIP oxide. reload1
    oxide.grant group VIP oxide. reload 2
    oxide.grant group VIP oxide. reload 3
    there can be exist plugin, Where I can quickly give a permision via config .json

    sorry my english is bad

    In the future with similar question to write in Rust Discussion or Rust Development? :)
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Have you read the tutorial under Guides & Tips? It briefly goes over he use of wildcards to grant multiple permissions. I wouldn’t recommend blindly granting all permissions though.
  3. Do you mean "*"?
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, you can use that to grant all, or use a partial permission along with that to grant all that match.
  5. The fact is that I do not want to provide all.
    But I can add them to the grup default?
    Or will I have to create a new one?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    All players are automatically in the default group you have set for players. Permissions you can grant to that group however you'd like, either individually or based on a wildcard match.
  7. But to me It will be necessary to introduce all perrmision, every separately?
    Is there a way to do it faster?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1507771063][/DOUBLEPOST]Thank you very much for your help :)
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If you want to grant all, you can use the wildcard * as mentioned previously, but that is not recommend as the default group should not have ALL permissions in most cases. You can grant a permission such as oxide.* to grant permission to all permissions that start with "oxide.", but be careful with that as well. It isn't going to be any faster to add them any other way really, but if you'd like a GUI, there are plugins for that as well.