1. Not sure if you guys have seen this game yet but the plugins for this game would make it so much better. Would deffinatley be worth looking at as I know it has the ability for 3rd party mods. The game itself is in early access but i has alot of potential!
  2. Any chance of this getting added? Basic support anyway? Would be fun to play with :p
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I don't think any of us have a copy of it, so not likely until we do.
  4. $30 for the game, which you have to own to download the server files. I could gift this if I knew for sure support would be added :)

    Also, not sure how I'd get it to you through steam
  5. @Wulf if I buy the game, how do I get the info to you?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The first thing to check For would be what the game files look like. If you could send me a screenshot of the server root, that’d be helpful.
  7. It's a very Rust-esque file structure. You run Eco.exe and it opens a console window.
    ss (2018-04-01 at 12.30.20).png ss (2018-04-01 at 12.30.00).png ss (2018-04-01 at 12.29.40).png
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  9. Yep. Sorry, I thought that was already said in the original post for some reason lol
  10. Oxide support for this game would make me purchase it again, I support the idea
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Purchase it again? :p

    Have you tried opening the files with something such as JustDecompile to see if it's readable?