1. Hello admins, my server is running 3.8.9 and I installed Oxide for it, all plugins work and commands, but oxide commands like /reload /grant don't work, its saying "Unknown command: reload" etc.. please help I already reinstalled oxide 3 times :c
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  3. @Wulf

    Sorry for bothering you,
    you did an oxide update
    Oxide build 2.0.3528 - download via Bintray / download via GitHub
    Removed generic commands to avoid conflicts with games (ie. load, reload, show)
    The non-prefixed commands removed conflicted with some game commands, so additional aliases were added to avoid confusion and make them more unique. The oxide.* prefixed commands still remain (ex. oxide.reload)
    Added o.* prefixed commands as a short variant to oxide.* commands (ex. o.reload, perm.grant, etc.)
    Added plugin.* and perm.* as prefixes to plugin and permission commands (ex. plugin.unload, perm.revoke, etc.)
    [Core] Fixed hooks passing arguments by reference
    [Hurtworld] Injected IPlayer field in PlayerSession
    [Rust] Added object OnItemScrap(ResearchTable table, Item item)
    [Rust] Added object OnLootSpawn(LootContainer container)
    [Rust] Bumped OnLoseCondition hook index
    [Rust] Corrected CanCraft hook index for blueprints
    [Rust] Exposed ResearchTable.user field as public
    [Rust] Patched for October 9th update (build 1660, protocol 2022.152.1)
    [Unturned] Patched for version update
    But the problem is now that you can't useing the /grant command,
    while useing on the console or even inside in the game /grant user steamid64 teleportion,
    Its saying uknow command, did you change that or....
    So please let something hear from you.
    With best gerards

  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Please see the above reply an changelog again. The changelog states that the non-prefixed commands (ie. grant) were removed for the reason stated in the changelog. You have 3 options on what you can use now, which I'll be posting more about in an announcement so people stop posting new threads. :p