1. Hi, here arethe errors still occur afteryou restart the server,the server isfor example4 hours ,butresetting itstartthese arethe errors,and you have to install the serveragain

    Attached Files:

  2. have you tried make a clean install of the server and copy/paste the save on it?
  3. Yes,of course I have,but whatwould I not dothe same mistake
  4. I'm getting the same error. Please anyone can help me.
    View image: BWHBbt G ------> See las update.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2015
  5. so can you say why this error occurs?and how to fix it,so as not to meet her
  6. do a clean install in a new folder of the server with the latest update and dont use your save files just to test the server