Rust No explosion sound

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JuckFosu, Nov 10, 2017.

  1. How hard would it be for someone to make a plugin like this?
    Able to type a command /soundoff and turn off c4, rocket, etc sounds unless the object has been deployed by that player?
    It would be amazing if players could turn that switch on to be able to build in peace. Thanks
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Pretty sure that's handled by the client.
  3. @Wulf I dont know if its possible for like @JuckFosu said for allowing just that player to turn off them sounds... is there a hook/handler for triggering sounds on the clients side? Then possibly like better chat mute if the player is muted maybe it sets the sound to 0? I know I talked about this waaay back when auto turrets were stupidly loud but I dont know if anyone actually looked into it
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The server can't run commands on the client like that, and I don't think the sound is available via a command anyway.
  5. This is frustrating. Coming from Minecraft where you can make basically any idea happen if you have a dev with enough knowledge. I hope FacePunch makes this game more dev friendly soon, because alot of plugins that would benifit my server are not even possible with the current state.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There was a lot Minecraft couldn't do without client mods. ;)
  7. well, @Wulf There is a way if you deleted the c4 removed the Wall on a timer.