1. hey guys, just thinking of a way players can easily tell how nice/salty a fellow player is. Here's the idea:

    So based on a word list of 'bad words' however often a player says some of those words his name will dynamically change colors accordingly. So a nicer player that doesn't spam negativity will have a blue name, and a hostile player will have a red name. And from the starting color, after X time their name will fade into a blue color, or if they say the 'list of words' then their name will fade to a red (warm) color

    Might be a dumb idea. Just thought it'd help players realize some player personalities before really joining them or something
  2. Think this a cool idea!
  3. You can use Karma system for Rust, @Ryan can setup an enum or dictionary with color codes and optionally change it when players chat.
  4. Possible but it'd be very aggravating with the state of the current chat hooks