1. Code:
    * Basic example to use CountDown and InputField
    * Countdown: /ui.countdown
    * InputField: /ui.inputfield
    */using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui;namespace Oxide.Plugins
        [Info("CommunityUI", "miRror", "1.0.0")]    public class CommunityUI : RustPlugin
            private string uiCountDown = @"
                ""name"": ""uiCountDown"",
                        ""type"": ""CountDown"",
                        ""align"": ""MiddleCenter"",                
                        ""wrapperText"": ""Left %TIME_LEFT% seconds"",
                        ""timeLeft"": ""10"",                
                        ""fontSize"": ""30"",
                        ""font"": ""RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf"",                
                        ""color"": ""0 0.7 0.5 1"",
                        ""command"": ""cui.test""
                        ""anchormin"": ""0 0"",
                        ""anchormax"": ""1 1""
            }]";        private string uiInputField = @"
                ""name"": ""uiInputField"",
                ""parent"": ""Overlay"",
                         ""type"": ""UnityEngine.UI.Image"",
                         ""material"": ""assets/icons/greyout.mat"",
                         ""color"": ""0.1 0.1 0.1 0.97"",
                        ""type"": ""RectTransform"",
                        ""anchormin"": ""0.4 0.45"",
                        ""anchormax"": ""0.6 0.55""
                        ""type"": ""NeedsCursor""
                ""parent"": ""uiInputField"",
                        ""text"":""Enter message..."",
                        ""fontSize"": 30,
                        ""align"": ""MiddleCenter"",
                        ""type"": ""InputField"",
                        ""command"": ""yourcommand "",
                        ""anchormin"": ""0 0"",
                        ""anchormax"": ""1 1""
            private void Unload()
                foreach(BasePlayer player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
                    CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "uiCountDown");
                    CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "uiInputField");
            private void cmdChatCountdown(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
                CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "uiCountDown");
                CuiHelper.AddUi(player, uiCountDown);
            }        [ChatCommand("ui.inputfield")]
            private void cmdChatInputField(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
                CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "uiInputField");
                CuiHelper.AddUi(player, uiInputField);
    But InputField does not worked. Who made a mistake? Component developer or i in my plugin.

    See more: GitHub - Facepunch/rust-community: Community Entity to fill Server Side modder requests
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2017
  2. Awesome! Oh sorry didn't see they do not work. Gonna try it out.
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That PR was pretty old, so would be surprised if it worked 100%.