Solved More inventory slots

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by germanruss, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. Hi need a plugin that increases the number of slots in the inventory!
  2. Found!You can close the topic.
  3. No!
    Backpacks = Glitch. Don't use
  4. You should proof such assertions before posting them all over the forums!!!
    Or at least give the developer hints where you might think you did found such issues.
  5. Sorry but I do not speak very good English.

    Players have made this glitch on my server to duplicate items.

    Put an item in the backpack, put it back in its inventory.
    Another player, placed in front of you, will then have to open his backpack.
    This will create a bug! Your backpack will close.
    Open your backpack and your item will duplicate (x2)

    Ex: 20 C4 = 40 C4
    40 C4 = 80 C4 etc ...