1. Hi I would like to request a plugin where Admins can set moderator restrictions. Moderators can spawn anything in game just like an admin but only can't remove Authlevel 1 and 2. I was thinking of a plugin where they can't spawn or give anything from weapons and ammunition tab and probably in constructions tab. This way they won't abuse the spawn of items/materials in game making them gods and just spawn anything they like against players that wronged them. I believe moderators and admins must be neutral as much as possible but I'm not saying they should. Running a server is frustrating with so many players playing inside the server. I can't monitor everyone and I need help maintaining the server and the players. The last thing I want is having a rogue moderator doing anything he likes when I'm not around especially spawning weapons and ammunition for everyone they like.

    Thank you for reading! :)
  2. RemoveAAA for Rust | Oxide

    There used to be a plugin that supported individual category permissions, but it's no longer supported.
  3. I use AdminMenu for Rust | Oxide to help with both of my server. I believe there is a way to set what mods can spawn, if there isnt send Flaming Mojo a message and he may still be able to help you out.
  4. With Oxide you dont need to set Authlevel 1 or 2 to mods, they need to be in the correct group, maybe group MODERATOR
    First you need to create the group, example: Group add MODERATOR
    then you need to add the permissions to that group (then the permissiones will be granted to the users on that group),
    example: grant group MODERATOR <permission> | grant group MODERATOR betterchatmute.use (with this one group moderator can Mute users in chat if you are using betterchatmute)...
    then finaly you need to add the user to the group.
    usergroup add <player> MODERATOR | this will include the <player> inside the group MODERATOR, then he will be MODERATOR, if you need to identify this on the chat, see the BetterChat and assign some tag to the group.

    You need to see the permission on each plugin and here is the complete thing about groups and permissions:
    Oxide API for Rust

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2017
  5. @StreetDog I get what you mean and I know how to do that but what I'm saying is restricting the console spawn items tab. Like when you press F1 and go to the Item tab. What I want to happen is that moderators can't click weapons and ammunition tab or restrict them from clicking the image in those said tabs. The problem in adding permission is that I don't know the permission for weapons and ammunition tab for the console. I can restrict them from using give and giveall but they can still click the pictures in the console menu.
    I have seen the plugin but yes, it is abandoned. :(
  6. REPEAT:
    you dont need to set Authlevel 1 or 2 to mods, they need to be in the correct group, maybe group MODERATOR