Rust Mini nuke

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TheIronGiant 2, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. Hey guys I'm looking for a mod that will enable a mini nuke? I use the economics mod. I want players to be able to type /mininuke to enable their next rocket as a small nuclear weapon. And when they do it will try to charge them x amount of money from economics and if they have the right amount it will remove said amount and their next rocket will have an explosive power of say 10,000 and a radius of 300. Not looking for special explosion effects, just damage, and some way of users in the area being notified that a nuclear weapon has been activated and prepared for fire.
  2. You could also have it shoot a rocket and use zonemanager to allocate the area as a radiation area for x amount of hours for a little more fun.
  3. Yea exactly. This is what I'm looking for.
  4. Cool idea. If this gets developed would be nice to have option to use without economy. i.e 10,000 refined metal etc etc.
  5. Even more just have the ability to have it as a random event that could hit any super huge base at any time doing significant damage, this will keep the big groups on their toes.
  6. I got some ideas about this. I may be working on this.
  7. Hi Laser, the code is already available in the RainOfFire plugin, you just need to add say economy to it so people can use currency to buy a strike.

    Also have multiple types of strikes with different damage modifiers
    Airstrike 4-6 rockets @ 4x damage with slightly increased radius
    Nuke 1 rocket @ 200x damage with increased radius

    Naturally have all radius/rocket counts configurable but i thought i would bring it to your attention there's something out there already to save you some time.
  8. I know