Solved Lottery

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Hazza, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. Ok so the way i thought this would be best layed out without ecomoney which would be better so at certian times of the day or for exampler 900 seconds apart from each other the server randomly selects 1 player which would win for example 100 c4 maybe even a 2nd player who wins half for example.

    I really think this is a much needed plugin to push foward into rust and make it more or less like evereything else good eg minecraft
  2. we have a thriving economy and I am trying to get money out of the hands of my players.

    how about a mod that runs like an event, every NN minutes it listed an item from a list that is available as the prize. you purchase tickets for $$$ dollars, ideally more than 1 ticket can be purchase by player.

    the lottery closes after a set time and a player who purchase a ticket wins. more entries means more chances so make sure you count Player with three tickets as three slots in the list to choose from.

    - Max entries per player
    - Max entries per lottery/event
    - Ticket price set in config file with each item
    - chance to not win. example I designate this item has 100 slots and only 20 tickets are sold. so there are 80 slots that are vacant and so the prize is not won. like a real lottery.
  3. I've actually written a plugin exactly like that before, just in terms of russian roulette, I've just been too lazy to release it.
    From my experience when using that plugin you'll have to deal with the following issues:
    • People pretty quickly figuring out that it's not worth it. If you actually want to take money from your players, they'll notice that soon enough and stop playing. Funnily enough, people act a lot more reasonable when dealing with virtual currency instead of an actual one.
    • Clans and groups hijacking your lottery. There is no effective way to counter this issue. Clans will:
    1. Hijack bids of other players, killing all motivation to play the game
    2. Hijack whatever you set as "base prize", generating free currency whenever the cycle allows them to.
    So either the game will not be played anymore or people will abuse it to generate money.

    If you want to take away money, introduce taxes to components of your economy.
  4. I think you are wrong Sqroot. they are good points and I appreciate them so lets keep it positive and get this built/released :)

    - We are talking virtual currency that is already in game on my server. we use economy and have a healthy system.
    - hijacking is not an issue. think about it. this is like powerball, there will be 100 slots or 1000 slots and if only 20-30 players purchase tickets they can still loose and no one wins.

    - I know my economy - been doing this a long time and I know what my prices will be bases on that as well as demand.
  5. I'm just saying what I experienced when I used a very similar plugin.
    Decreasing the chance to reduce clan highjacking will result in the feature being used less.
    Maybe if you have prizes people cannot obtain in another way easily then it might work well because people will be willing to spend money on it, trading currency for currency may not cause that.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  6. I have a really good idea for this, will take a look in the future.
  7. i need lotto plugin or gamble
  8. i need gamble plugins or lottry ty
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin