1. How do i make my server title longer on the server browser cause i doesn't show the hole thing and also how do i make the server like description sorta thing i see it on other servers it below the server title when u press esc it a place where you can type like sorta description.

    And if this is asking too much don't Awenser but how do i make it so when i press esc i can see people ranks for example im owner how do i make it say owner next to my name in the players list when u press ecs.

    Thanks !
  2. if you rent a server then you can use longer server name,but if you host own pc and make long server name its mayby not show full name.
    mod this line for permission files
    owner {
    nameFormat = 'OWNER'

    owner or admin OWNER there you can type what you want and its show when push esc.

    chatFormat = '[7CFC00][[8B0000]ADMIN[7CFC00]][20B2AA]name : [7CFC00]%message%'
    set name what you want and its show that name when you chat.you can use different character name and chat name.
    but if you set nameFormat = 'OWNER' then its use that when push esc
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016