Universal Location logging

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by CaptainNebulous, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. For this plugin, I'd like a way to easily save coordinates in an organized list. Like by typing /locsave it will get my coordinates and save to a json or db file. Every time I type /locsave it will add that to the list. This would make it much easier to get a list of coordinates going for when an admin or creator desires modifying the spawn points of various features or even mobs/nodes.

    For example, I'd like to do a fairly in-depth and dynamic spawner list for the loot chests and the meteors... but right now I need to hit /loc and write each coordinate down one at a time. This wastes so much time for what should be such a easy and quick thing to do.

    Other features it could include
    - Ability to use commands to organize different lists of coordinates. For example /locsave create name would create the list/folder. /locsave edit listname would be to open up the list so you could then use /locsave to add or remove coordinates from that list.