1. Hi ! I have a Linux Rust Server with latest Oxide, and all works but...

    I have installed the Server with LGSM and now my Question.

    I think the Server.cfg in rust-server/cfg/server.cfg doesnt load at Startup :-(

    My Quesion is, how can i put more Server Commands at Startup like Server.Description Server.url ... ???

    Sry for English xD Hope anyone know what i mean.

  2. I have Linux, and dont have any problem with cfg. Try in autoserver.cfg
  3. serverauto.cfg gets wiped each restart.
    What does your server.cfg look like?
  4. My Server.cfg
    rcon.password "******" // your password for rcon.login ingame
    server.hostname "[GER]->XaToX<-|22.09|Clans|TP|Kits|Home|lvl+Craft|QSmelt|" // your server name shown in the community or modded list
    server.pvp true // true = pvp on , false = pvp off ( PVE )
    sleepers.on true // true = you will be killable when you log out ( sleeping ) , false = no body will
    //appear when you logged out
    crafting.instant false // true = no crafting time , false = normal crafting time
    airdrop.min_players "2" // minimum number of players for an airdrop
    truth.enforce true // true = people doing weird things will be kicked , false = not
    crafting.timescale "0.5" // 1 = normal 0.5 = 50%
    falldamage.enabled true // true = damage from a high jump , false = no damage even from the month everest ;)
    server.url "************:28015"
    server.headerimage "http://***********/images/unique/logo.png"
    server.description "Willkommen auf unserem Server!"
    save.autosavetime 180
    dmg.godmode false
    crafting.instant_admins false
    conditionloss.damagemultiplier 1
    conditionloss.armorhealthmult 0.25
    server.clienttimeout 300
    env.timescale 0.0066666667
    env.daylength 45
    env.nightlength 10
    cheaters.log true
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2016
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Remove the // comments and try it again.
  6. Big Thanks, it works now :)
  7. env.daylength 45
    env.nightlength 10

    Do these cvars actually exist? I cant find anything about them.