1. wtf? use lang.GetMessages() => Dict<str,str>
  2. Only if you want all the messages. :)
    For just one message I'll use lang.GetMessage("key") to leave the workload outside of the script ( Script is always slower then the DLL. :) )

    I meanly think that the current issue is that people don't know that they should reload the plugin before the language definitions are updated. (oxide.reload <plugin name>)
    A full server reload isn't required.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2017
  3. Просто перед изменением выгрузи плагин "o.unload" Измени лэнг потом загрузи "o.load" или "o.reload"
  4. Could you keep it in English, please? :)
    People enjoy understanding what you wrote.
  5. Just unload plugin before change lang file, and load after.
  6. Not working
  7. @Wulf there still a problem with lang api
    Got the same problem for some of my plugin as well, if i want to get updated messages, i need to restart the server.
    After an oxide update, it don't change anything, still bugged.
  8. Same problem