1. i know there was for rust oxide but cant get it to work for this.
    anyone know of the commands
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It's the same, but currently only works in the chat as admin. "/oxide.reload filename"

    Configs are only reloaded when a plugin is reloaded.
  3. ok thx m8
    [DOUBLEPOST=1432386509][/DOUBLEPOST]when i do the command it doesnt say filename has been reloaded is this normal
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    What did you type exactly?
  5. /oxide.reload kits
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If the filename is Kits.cs, the command would be /oxide.reload Kits, with a capital K.
  7. ah thx m8 that worked
  8. Where can i see all /oxide. commands
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There's a thread with most, but here's the complete list.
    • oxide.load *|<pluginname>+
    • oxide.unload *|<pluginname>+
    • oxide.reload *|<pluginname>+
    • oxide.grant <group|user> <name|id> <permission>
    • oxide.revoke <group|user> <name|id> <permission>
    • oxide.group <add|set> <name> [title] [rank]
    • oxide.group <remove|show> <name>
    • oxide.group <parent> <name> <parentName>
    • oxide.usergroup <add|remove> <username> <groupname>
    • version or oxide.version
  10. Thanks !!!
  11. Thanks its my fist post its Work for me Sorry for my English I try hard learn langage