

Total Downloads: 55,748 - First Release: Sep 25, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 13, 2018

5/5, 160 likes
  1. Yeah I figured that option turned it off at least, how do I make a command trigger just that dock? (Thats where I'm stuck - on the command) because I don't see a direct link between the single dock's and the hide/show command - they turn off the whole ipanel.

    I was looking at the command in the cs file:

                    case "hide":
                        if (!storedData.GetPlayerSettings(player.UserIDString, "enable", true))
                        }                    ChangePlayerSettings(player, "enable", "false");
                    case "show":
                        if (storedData.GetPlayerSettings(player.UserIDString, "enable", true))
                        }                    ChangePlayerSettings(player, "enable", "true");
    I'm guessing the 'DestroyGUI(player);' or 'RevealGUI(player);'- there is a way to set this to destroy just partial part of the dock
  2. You can only do what it says in the config if you want extra options added you will need to ask the coder
  3. Thanks ok, well I have a plugin to create commands - is there a simple function to trigger that panel that you know of?
  4. I was able to add the Chinook to my copy, so I know it's possible ;)
  5. ok know we know its possible, and why did u not share your code changes to us?
  6. Because I only did it today and have not tested a fresh install to be sure it's stable...
    [DOUBLEPOST=1525122419][/DOUBLEPOST]Attached is my modified version of InfoPanel including a new icon for the chinook event. I created and uploaded the icon from a free icon source. You will most likely need to delete or edit your json file to get it to show. Worst case, you can rename it, reload the plugin, and then copy the ChinookEvent section back to your original json file right before the Compass section. Since anyone using this should be a server admin, hopefully this all makes sense to you. Note that the version number is the same as the most recent release as of this posting.
  7. After game update it is not displaying radiation "off" icon , players off line ,
    I like your ideas for extra icon for Chinook but will wait for plugin update that incorporates it,
    I have to keep reloading it to work, then all icons die after server restart
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2018
  8. I can understand your wanting to wait. But, both sleepers and radiation are showing correctly for me today, after the update.
  9. It has happened since the update to ImageLibrary plugin , i dont think it is picking up the icons (i know nothing about hooks or code) but will only randomly show icons even after several restarts of server and plugin separately,
    it shows players online and offline but no icons most of the time
    The only thing i will wait for is the icon for chinook , but prefer plugin working,
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2018
  10. All I can say is that I made no significant changes to how the code operates. I only duplicated sections with the name of the Chinook entity.
  11. can you post a config.json text file so we can see where the changes are in relation to how we have things set up
  12. Here is a diff file for InfoPanel.cs and my current InfoPanel.json.

    Attached Files:

  13. Hi, please how i can edit color for online players and for coorninates? :/ thank you
  14. @FuJiCuRa could you please add the following code to InfoPanel src so that it can be toggled via console too?

            private void IPanelConsoleCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
                var player = arg.Connection.player as BasePlayer;
                if (player == null)
                    return;            switch (arg.Args[0].ToLower())
                    case "hide":
                        if (!storedData.GetPlayerSettings(player.UserIDString, "enable", true))
                        }                    ChangePlayerSettings(player, "enable", "false");
                    case "show":
                        if (storedData.GetPlayerSettings(player.UserIDString, "enable", true))
                        }                    ChangePlayerSettings(player, "enable", "true");
  15. hi guys , i have trying to reduce the space beetween a picture and text without succesful .. how to reduce (see picture)

    Attached Files:

  16. Unable to load InfoPanel. InfoPanel.cs(219,31): error CS1038: #endregion directive expected
  17. delete all files from server and pc then download latest and make sure server files are updated and you are running latest oxide
  18. this error is specific to the version posted by RFC1920
  19. unsupported files are not supported so your on your own