1. Code:
            void UseUI(BasePlayer player, string msg)
                var elements = new CuiElementContainer();            var mainName = elements.Add(new CuiPanel
                    Image =
                        Color = "0.1 0.1 0.1 1"
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0 0",
                        AnchorMax = "1 1"
                    CursorEnabled = true
                }, "Overlay", "Npctp");
                if(backroundimage == true)
                    elements.Add(new CuiElement
                        Parent = "Npctp",
                        Components =
                            new CuiRawImageComponent
                                Url = backroundimageurl,
                                Sprite = "assets/content/textures/generic/fulltransparent.tga"
                            new CuiRectTransformComponent
                                AnchorMin = "0 0",
                                AnchorMax = "1 1"
                var Agree = new CuiButton
                    Button =
                        Close = mainName,
                        Color = "0 255 0 1"
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.2 0.16",
                        AnchorMax = "0.45 0.2"
                    Text =
                        Text = "I Agree",
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                var Disagree = new CuiButton
                    Button =
                        Command = "global.hardestcommandtoeverguess",
                        Close = mainName,
                        Color = "255 0 0 1"
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.5 0.16",
                        AnchorMax = "0.75 0.2"
                    Text =
                        Text = "I Disagree",
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                elements.Add(new CuiLabel
                    Text =
                        Text = msg,
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0 0.20",
                        AnchorMax = "1 0.9"
                }, mainName);
                elements.Add(Agree, mainName);
                elements.Add(Disagree, mainName);
                CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements);
            void DisplayUI(BasePlayer player)
                        string msg = "";
                        msg = msg + lang.GetMessage("chargeyesno", this, player.UserIDString);
                        UseUI(player, msg.ToString());
                    if (useUI)

    how would i make it so that it will return true; if agree and return false; if disagree
    right now it is displaying the ui and still continuing the script with no input.
  2. remember that if you want to return true/false, you have to make your function a bool and not void

    bool UseUI(BasePlayer player, string msg)
       if(CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements))
           return true;
        return false;
    Maybe try that
  3. where would i add in the
       if(CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements))
           return true;
        return false;
  4. at the end of your UseUI function

  5. i tried that with no luck the ui pops up and still runs with no input to the UI

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System;
    using Oxide.Core;
    using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
    using Oxide.Core.Configuration;
    using UnityEngine;
    using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
    using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence;
    using static UnityEngine.Vector3;
    using System.Linq;
    using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui;namespace Oxide.Plugins
        [Info("Npctp", "Ts3hosting", "2.2.7", ResourceId = 2229)]
        [Description("Some NPC Controle Thanks Wulf and k1lly0u")]    class Npctp : RustPlugin
            #region Initialization        [PluginReference]
            Plugin Spawns;
            Plugin Economics;
            Plugin ServerRewards;        PlayerCooldown pcdData;
            NPCTPDATA npcData;
            private DynamicConfigFile PCDDATA;
            private DynamicConfigFile NPCDATA;
            private bool backroundimage;
            private bool Changed;
            private string text;
            private bool displayoneveryconnect;
            private string kickmsg;
            private string backroundimageurl;        private static int cooldownTime = 3600;        private static int auth = 2;
            private static bool noAdminCooldown = false;        private float Cost = 0;
            private static bool useEconomics = false;
            private static bool useRewards = false;        #region Localization      
            Dictionary<string, string> messages = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"title", "<color=orange>Npc</color> : "},
                {"cdTime", "You must wait another {0} minutes and some seconds before using me again" },
                {"noperm", "You do not have permissions to talk to me!" },
                {"notenabled", "Sorry i am not enabled!" },
                {"nomoney", "Sorry you need {0} to talk to me!" },
                {"charged", "Thanks i only took {0} from you!" },
                {"npcCommand", "I just ran a Command!" },
                {"npcadd", "Added npcID {0} to datafile and not enabled edit NpcTP_Data ." },
                {"npcadds", "Added npcID {0} with spawnfile {1} to datafile and enabled edit NpcTP_Data for more options." },
                {"npcerror", "error example /npctp_add <npcID> <spawnfile> or /npctcp_add <npcID>" },
                {"nopermcmd", "You do not have permissions to use this command!" },
                {"chargeyesno", "I will charge you {0} to talk to me!" },       };
            #endregion        void Loaded()
                PCDDATA = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("NpcTp/NpcTP_Player");
                NPCDATA = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("NpcTp/NpcTP_Data");
                lang.RegisterMessages(messages, this);
                Puts("Thanks for using NPCTP drop me a line if you need anything added.");        }        object GetConfig(string menu, string datavalue, object defaultValue)
                var data = Config[menu] as Dictionary<string, object>;
                if (data == null)
                    data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    Config[menu] = data;
                    Changed = true;
                object value;
                if (!data.TryGetValue(datavalue, out value))
                    value = defaultValue;
                    data[datavalue] = value;
                    Changed = true;
                return value;
            }        private void RegisterPermissions()
                permission.RegisterPermission("npctp.admin", this);
                permission.RegisterPermission("npctp.default", this);
                foreach (var perm in npcData.NpcTP.Values)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(perm.permission) && !permission.PermissionExists(perm.permission))
                        permission.RegisterPermission(perm.permission, this);
            }        private void CheckDependencies()
                if (Economics == null)
                    if (useEconomics)
                        PrintWarning($"Economics could not be found! Disabling money feature");
                        useEconomics = false;
                if (ServerRewards == null)
                    if (useRewards)
                        PrintWarning($"ServerRewards could not be found! Disabling RP feature");
                        useRewards = false;
                if (Spawns == null)
                   PrintWarning($"Spawns Database could not be found you only can use command NPC all other will fail!");
                }        }        void LoadVariables()
            {            useEconomics = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("SETTINGS", "useEconomics", false));
                useRewards = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("SETTINGS", "useRewards", false));
                if (Changed)
                    Changed = false;            }
            }        protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
                Puts("Creating a new configuration file!");
            #endregion        #region Classes and Data Management   
            void SaveNpcTpData()
            }               class NPCTPDATA
                public Dictionary<string, NPCInfo> NpcTP = new Dictionary<string, NPCInfo>();
                public NPCTPDATA() { }
            class NPCInfo
                public string SpawnFile;
                public int Cooldown;
                public bool CanUse;
                public float Cost;
                public bool useUI;
                public string permission;
                public bool UseCommand;
                public bool CommandOnPlayer;
                public string Command;
                public string Arrangements;
            class PlayerCooldown
                public Dictionary<ulong, PCDInfo> pCooldown = new Dictionary<ulong, PCDInfo>();            public PlayerCooldown() { }
            class PCDInfo
            {            public Dictionary<string, long> npcCooldowns = new Dictionary<string, long>();
                public PCDInfo() { }
                public PCDInfo(long cd)
            }        void SaveData()
            void LoadData()
                    pcdData = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject<PlayerCooldown>("NpcTp/NpcTP_Player");
                    Puts("Couldn't load NPCTP data, creating new Playerfile");
                    pcdData = new PlayerCooldown();
                npcData = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject<NPCTPDATA>("NpcTp/NpcTP_Data");
                    Puts("Couldn't load NPCTP data, creating new datafile");
                    npcData = new NPCTPDATA();
            }        #endregion        #region Cooldown Management              static double GrabCurrentTime() => DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalSeconds;        #endregion
            private void TeleportPlayerPosition1(BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "StartLoading", null, null, null, null, null);
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "ForcePositionTo", destination);
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.ReceivingSnapshot, true);
                if (player.net?.connection == null) return;
                try { player.ClearEntityQueue(null); } catch { }
            private void StartSleeping(BasePlayer player)
                if (player.IsSleeping())
                player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.Sleeping, true);
                if (!BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList.Contains(player))
            }        private bool CheckPlayerMoney(BasePlayer player, int amount)
                if (useEconomics)
                    double money = (double)Economics?.CallHook("GetPlayerMoney", player.userID);
                    if (money >= amount)
                        money = money - amount;
                        Economics?.CallHook("Set", player.userID, money);
                    if (amount == 0)
                        return true;
                    if (amount > 0)   
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("charged", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));
                        return true;
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("nomoney", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));            }
                return false;
            }        private bool CheckPlayerRP(BasePlayer player, int amount)
                if (useRewards)
                    var money = (int)ServerRewards.Call("CheckPoints", player.userID);
                    if (money >= amount)
                        ServerRewards.Call("TakePoints", player.userID, amount);
                        if (amount > 0)
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("charged", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));
                        return true;
                        if (amount == 0)
                        return true;
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("nomoney", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));            }
                return false;
            }        bool UseUI(BasePlayer player, string msg)
                var elements = new CuiElementContainer();            var mainName = elements.Add(new CuiPanel
                    Image =
                        Color = "0.1 0.1 0.1 1"
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0 0",
                        AnchorMax = "1 1"
                    CursorEnabled = true
                }, "Overlay", "Npctp");
                if(backroundimage == true)
                    elements.Add(new CuiElement
                        Parent = "Npctp",
                        Components =
                            new CuiRawImageComponent
                                Url = backroundimageurl,
                                Sprite = "assets/content/textures/generic/fulltransparent.tga"
                            new CuiRectTransformComponent
                                AnchorMin = "0 0",
                                AnchorMax = "1 1"
                var Agree = new CuiButton
                    Button =
                    {                    Close = mainName,
                        Color = "0 255 0 1"
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.2 0.16",
                        AnchorMax = "0.45 0.2"
                    Text =
                        Text = "I Agree",
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                var Disagree = new CuiButton
                    Button =
                    {                    Close = mainName,
                        Color = "255 0 0 1"
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.5 0.16",
                        AnchorMax = "0.75 0.2"
                    Text =
                        Text = "I Disagree",
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                elements.Add(new CuiLabel
                    Text =
                        Text = msg,
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0 0.20",
                        AnchorMax = "1 0.9"
                }, mainName);
                elements.Add(Agree, mainName);
                elements.Add(Disagree, mainName);
       if(CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements))
           return true;
        return false;
            void DisplayUI(BasePlayer player)
                        string msg = "";
                        msg = msg + lang.GetMessage("chargeyesno", this, player.UserIDString);
                        UseUI(player, msg.ToString());
            #region USENPC        [ChatCommand("npctp_add")]
            void cmdNpcAdD(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
            var n = npcData.NpcTP;
            string IDNPC = "";
            string SpawnFiles = "";
                    if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.userID.ToString(), "npctp.admin"))
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("nopermcmd", this)));
            if (args.Length == 2)
                SpawnFiles = (args[1]);
            var setup = new NPCInfo { Cost = Cost, CanUse = false, permission = "npctp.default", useUI = false, UseCommand = false, CommandOnPlayer = false, Command = "say", Arrangements = "this is a test"  };
            var setups = new NPCInfo { Cost = Cost, CanUse = true, SpawnFile = SpawnFiles, permission = "npctp.default", useUI = false, UseCommand = false, CommandOnPlayer = false, Command = "say", Arrangements = "this is a test"  };
            if (args.Length <= 0)
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcerror", this, player.UserIDString)));
            IDNPC = (args[0]);
            if (args.Length == 1)
                if (!n.ContainsKey(IDNPC))   
                    n.Add(IDNPC, setup);
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcadd", this, player.UserIDString), (string)(IDNPC)));
            if (args.Length == 2)
                if (!n.ContainsKey(IDNPC))
                    n.Add(IDNPC, setups);
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcadds", this, player.UserIDString), (string)(IDNPC), (string)(SpawnFiles)));               
                    }                          void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
                if (!npcData.NpcTP.ContainsKey(npc.UserIDString)) return; // Check if this NPC is registered            ulong playerId = player.userID;
                string npcId = npc.UserIDString;            double timeStamp = GrabCurrentTime();            var CanUse = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].CanUse;
                var cooldownTime = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Cooldown;
                var buyMoney1 = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Cost;
                var UseCommand = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].UseCommand;
                var CommandOnPlayer = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].CommandOnPlayer;
                var Perms = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].permission;
                var useUI = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].useUI;
                string Command = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Command;
                string Arrangements = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Arrangements;
                object newpos = null;
                var bad = "somthing is not right somewhere is your spawnfile name correct";
                string spawn = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].SpawnFile;
                string msg = "";            if (!pcdData.pCooldown.ContainsKey(playerId))
                    pcdData.pCooldown.Add(playerId, new PCDInfo());
                }            if (!CanUse)
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("notenabled", this)));
                    if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.userID.ToString(), Perms))
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("noperm", this)));
                    if (pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns.ContainsKey(npcId)) // Check if the player already has a cooldown for this NPC
                        var cdTime = pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId]; // Get the cooldown time of the NPC
                        if (cdTime > timeStamp)
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("cdTime", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(cdTime - timeStamp) / 60));
                    if (useRewards)
                        if (CheckPlayerRP(player, (int)buyMoney1))
                    if (useEconomics)
                        if (CheckPlayerMoney(player, (int)buyMoney1))
                    if (useUI)
                        msg = msg + lang.GetMessage("chargeyesno", this, player.UserIDString);
                        UseUI(player, msg.ToString());
                        {                    }
                    if (UseCommand == false)
                        pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId] = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime; // Store the new cooldown in the players data under the specified NPC
                        object success = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                        if (success is Vector3) // Check if the returned type is Vector3
                            Vector3 location = (Vector3)success;
                            TeleportPlayerPosition1(player, (Vector3)success);
                        else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                }                if (UseCommand == true && CommandOnPlayer == false)
                        pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId] = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                        SaveData();                    if (CommandOnPlayer) // Check if this is command on player
                            rust.RunServerCommand($"{Command} {Arrangements}");
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcCommand", this)));
                        else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                }
                    if (UseCommand == true && CommandOnPlayer == true)
                        pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId] = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                        SaveData();                    if (CommandOnPlayer) // Check if this is command on player
                            rust.RunServerCommand($"{Command} {player.userID} {Arrangements}");
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcCommand", this)));
                        else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                }
                }        }    }
  6. You need to use a create a console command and assign it to the button using the "Command" field in CUIButton
  7. Yes i figured that out thenks but how would i pass this like this
            void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
                    string msg = "";           
                    msg = msg + lang.GetMessage("chargeyesno", this, player.UserIDString);          
                var elements = new CuiElementContainer();            var mainName = elements.Add(new CuiPanel
                    Image =
                        Color = "0.1 0.1 0.1 1"
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0 0",
                        AnchorMax = "1 1"
                    CursorEnabled = true
                }, "Overlay", "Npctp");
                if(backroundimage == true)
                    elements.Add(new CuiElement
                        Parent = "Npctp",
                        Components =
                            new CuiRawImageComponent
                                Url = backroundimageurl,
                                Sprite = "assets/content/textures/generic/fulltransparent.tga"
                            new CuiRectTransformComponent
                                AnchorMin = "0 0",
                                AnchorMax = "1 1"
                var Agree = new CuiButton
                    Button =
                        Command = "global.hardestcommandtoeverguessnpctp",
                        Close = mainName,
                        Color = "0 255 0 1"
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.2 0.16",
                        AnchorMax = "0.45 0.2"
                    Text =
                        Text = "I Agree",
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                var Disagree = new CuiButton
                    Button =
                    {                    Close = mainName,
                        Color = "255 0 0 1"
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0.5 0.16",
                        AnchorMax = "0.75 0.2"
                    Text =
                        Text = "I Disagree",
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                elements.Add(new CuiLabel
                    Text =
                        Text = msg,
                        FontSize = 22,
                        Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter
                    RectTransform =
                        AnchorMin = "0 0.20",
                        AnchorMax = "1 0.9"
                }, mainName);
                elements.Add(Agree, mainName);
                elements.Add(Disagree, mainName);
                CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements);        }    
            void OnUseNPC1(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
  8. I see now after doing some research this can not be done thanks.
  9. ok so im trying like this witch should work but i must be missing somthing

            void cmdRun(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg, string[] args)
                BasePlayer player = (BasePlayer)arg.connection.player;            string npcId = args[0];
                string spawn = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].SpawnFile;
                var cooldownTime = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Cooldown;
                var UseCommand = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].UseCommand;
                ulong playerId = player.userID;
                var bad = "somthing is not right somewhere";
                double timeStamp = GrabCurrentTime();
                    if (UseCommand == false)
                                       object success = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                        if (success is Vector3) // Check if the returned type is Vector3
                            Vector3 location = (Vector3)success;
                            TeleportPlayerPosition1(player, (Vector3)success);
                        else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                }      

    and the call is
    Command = $"hardestcommandtoeverguessnpctp {playerId} {npcId}",

    what am i missing..
    Failed to call hook 'cmdRun' on plugin 'Npctp v2.2.7' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1485738168][/DOUBLEPOST]i got it.
  10. Ok New problem so with the UI command all works fine
    Command = $"hardestcommandtoeverguessnpctp {playerId} {npcId}",

    but if i try to run with out the UI with this call it fails.
    rust.RunServerCommand("hardestcommandtoeverguessnpctp {playerId} {npcId}");
    also tried rust.RunServerCommand($"hardestcommandtoeverguessnpctp {playerId} {npcId}");

            void cmdRun(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
                var player = arg.Player();            var npcId = arg.Args[1];
    [DOUBLEPOST=1485744081][/DOUBLEPOST]again figured it out
    player.SendConsoleCommand($"hardestcommandtoeverguessnpctp {playerId} {npcId}");
  11. maybe
    player.SendConsoleCommand("hardestcommandtoeverguessnpctp", playerId, npcId);