1. Code:
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System;
    using Oxide.Core;
    using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
    using Oxide.Core.Configuration;
    using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui;
    using Newtonsoft.Json;
    using UnityEngine;
    using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
    using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
    using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence;
    using static UnityEngine.Vector3;
    using System.Reflection;namespace Oxide.Plugins
        [Info("Npctp", "Ts3hosting", "2.2.6", ResourceId = 2229)]
        [Description("Some NPC Controle")]    class Npctp : RustPlugin
            #region Initialization        [PluginReference]
            Plugin Spawns;
            Plugin Economics;        PlayerCooldown pcdData;
            NPCTPDATA npcData;
            private DynamicConfigFile PCDDATA;
            private DynamicConfigFile NPCDATA;
                 private static int cooldownTime = 3600;        private static int auth = 2;
            private static bool noAdminCooldown = false;        private bool Changed;
            private string text;
            private bool displayoneveryconnect;
            private string Cost = "0";
            private static bool useEconomics = false;
            private static bool useRewards = false;
            #region Localization    
            Dictionary<string, string> messages = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"title", "<color=orange>Npc</color> : "},
                {"cdTime", "You must wait another {0} minutes and some seconds before using me again" },
                {"noperm", "You do not have permissions to talk to me!" },
                {"notenabled", "Sorry i am not enabled!" },
                {"nomoney", "Sorry you need {0} to talk to me!" },
                {"charged", "Thanks i only took {0} from you!" },
                {"npcCommand", "I just ran a Command!" }       };
            #endregion        void Loaded()
                PCDDATA = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("NpcTp/NpcTP_Player");
                NPCDATA = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("NpcTp/NpcTP_Data");
                lang.RegisterMessages(messages, this);
                Puts("Thanks for using NPCTP drop me a line if you need anything added.");        }        object GetConfig(string menu, string datavalue, object defaultValue)
                var data = Config[menu] as Dictionary<string, object>;
                if (data == null)
                    data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    Config[menu] = data;
                    Changed = true;
                object value;
                if (!data.TryGetValue(datavalue, out value))
                    value = defaultValue;
                    data[datavalue] = value;
                    Changed = true;
                return value;
            }        private void RegisterPermissions()
                permission.RegisterPermission("npctp.admin", this);
                permission.RegisterPermission("npctp.default", this);
            }        private void CheckDependencies()
                if (Economics == null)
                    if (useEconomics)
                        PrintWarning($"Economics could not be found! Disabling money feature");
                        useEconomics = false;
                if (Spawns == null)
                   PrintWarning($"Spawns Database could not be found!");
                }        }        void LoadVariables()
            {            useEconomics = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("SETTINGS", "useEconomics", false));
                useRewards = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("SETTINGS", "useRewards", false));
                if (Changed)
                    Changed = false;            }
            }        protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
                Puts("Creating a new configuration file!");
            #endregion        #region Classes and Data Management  
            void SaveNpcTpData()
            }             class NPCTPDATA
                public Dictionary<string, NPCInfo> NpcTP = new Dictionary<string, NPCInfo>();
               public NPCTPDATA() { }
            class NPCInfo
                public string SpawnFile;
                public string Cooldown;         
                public string CanUse;
                public string Cost;
                public string permission;
                public string UseCommand;
                public string CommandOnPlayer;
                public string Command;
                public string Arrangements;
                public NPCInfo() { }
                public NPCInfo(string cd1)
                    SpawnFile = cd1;
                    Cooldown = cd1;
                    CanUse = cd1;
                    Cost = cd1;
                    permission = cd1;
                   UseCommand = cd1;
                   CommandOnPlayer = cd1;
                   Command = cd1;
                   Arrangements = cd1;                     }
            class PlayerCooldown
                public Dictionary<ulong, PCDInfo> pCooldown = new Dictionary<ulong, PCDInfo>();            public PlayerCooldown() { }
            class PCDInfo
                public long Cooldown;            public PCDInfo() { }
                public PCDInfo(long cd)
                    Cooldown = cd;            }
            }        void SaveData()
            void LoadData()
                    pcdData = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject<PlayerCooldown>("NpcTp/NpcTP_Player");
                    Puts("Couldn't load NPCTP data, creating new Playerfile");
                    pcdData = new PlayerCooldown();
                npcData = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject<NPCTPDATA>("NpcTp/NpcTP_Data");
                    Puts("Couldn't load NPCTP data, creating new datafile");
                    npcData = new NPCTPDATA();
            }        #endregion        #region Cooldown Management            static double GrabCurrentTime() => DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalSeconds;        #endregion
            private void TeleportPlayerPosition1(BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "StartLoading", null, null, null, null, null);
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "ForcePositionTo", destination);
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.ReceivingSnapshot, true);
                if (player.net?.connection == null) return;
                try { player.ClearEntityQueue(null); } catch { }
            private void StartSleeping(BasePlayer player)
                if (player.IsSleeping())
                player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.Sleeping, true);
                if (!BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList.Contains(player))
            }        private bool CheckPlayerMoney(BasePlayer player, int amount)
                if (useEconomics)
                    double money = (double)Economics?.CallHook("GetPlayerMoney", player.userID);
                    if (money >= amount)
                        money = money - amount;
                        Economics?.CallHook("Set", player.userID, money);
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("charged", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));
                        return true;
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("nomoney", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));            }
                return false;
            #region USENPC        [ChatCommand("npctp_add")]
            void cmdNpcAdD(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
            var n = npcData.NpcTP;
            string IDNPC = "";
            double timeStamp = GrabCurrentTime();
            IDNPC = (args[0]);        if (args.Length >= 1)     
                if (!n.ContainsKey(IDNPC))
                    n.Add(IDNPC, new NPCInfo((string)Cost));
                   n[IDNPC].CanUse = "false";
                    n[IDNPC].SpawnFile = "none";
                    n[IDNPC].permission = "npctp.default";
                   n[IDNPC].UseCommand = "false";
                   n[IDNPC].CommandOnPlayer = "false";
                   n[IDNPC].Command = "say";
                   n[IDNPC].Arrangements = "this is a test"; 
            if (args.Length >= 2)     
                if (!n.ContainsKey(IDNPC))
                    n.Add(IDNPC, new NPCInfo((string)Cost));
                   n[IDNPC].CanUse = "true";
                    n[IDNPC].SpawnFile = (args[1]);
                    n[IDNPC].permission = "npctp.default";
                   n[IDNPC].UseCommand = "false";
                   n[IDNPC].CommandOnPlayer = "false";
                   n[IDNPC].Command = "say";
                   n[IDNPC].Arrangements = "this is a test"; 
                 void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
                ulong playerID = player.userID;
                string lowername = npc.userID.ToString();
                var d = pcdData.pCooldown;
                var np = npcData.NpcTP;
                var NPCUSER = npc.userID;         
                ulong ID = player.userID;
                double timeStamp = GrabCurrentTime();
                string CanUse = np[lowername].CanUse;
                var cooldownTime = Convert.ToInt32(np[lowername].Cooldown);
                var buyMoney1 = Convert.ToInt32(np[lowername].Cost);
                var UseCommand = Convert.ToBoolean(np[lowername].UseCommand);
                var CommandOnPlayer = Convert.ToBoolean(np[lowername].CommandOnPlayer);
                string Command = np[lowername].Command;
                string Arrangements = np[lowername].Arrangements;
                object newpos = null;
                var bad = "somthing is not right in command on player";
                string spawn = np[lowername].SpawnFile;
                if (!d.ContainsKey(ID))
                    d.Add(ID, new PCDInfo((long)timeStamp));
                }            if (np.ContainsKey(lowername))
                {                if (CanUse == "false")
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("notenabled", this)));
                    {                    long time = d[ID].Cooldown;
                        if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.userID.ToString(), "npctp.default"))
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("noperm", this)));
                        if (time > timeStamp && time != 0.0)
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("cdTime", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(time - timeStamp) / 60));
                        else if (!useEconomics && UseCommand == false)
                            d[ID].Cooldown = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                            object success = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                            if (success is Vector3) // Check if the returned type is Vector3
                                Vector3 location = (Vector3)success;
                                TeleportPlayerPosition1(player, (Vector3)success);
                            else PrintError((string)newpos); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                    }                    if (useEconomics && UseCommand == false)
                            if (CheckPlayerMoney(player, buyMoney1))
                                d[ID].Cooldown = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                                object success = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                                if (success is Vector3) // Check if the returned type is Vector3
                                    Vector3 location = (Vector3)success;
                                    TeleportPlayerPosition1(player, (Vector3)success);
                                else PrintError((string)newpos); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                        }
                        if (!useEconomics && UseCommand == true && CommandOnPlayer == true)
                            d[ID].Cooldown = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                            if (CommandOnPlayer) // Check if this is command on player
                                rust.RunServerCommand($"{Command} {player.userID} {Arrangements}");
                                SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcCommand", this)));
                            else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                    }                    if (useEconomics && UseCommand == true && CommandOnPlayer == false)
                            if (CheckPlayerMoney(player, buyMoney1))
                                d[ID].Cooldown = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                            if (!CommandOnPlayer) // Check if this is command on player
                                rust.RunServerCommand($"{Command} {Arrangements}");
                                SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcCommand", this)));
                                else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                        }                                     }
                }                #endregion            }        }    }

    Trying to make datafile save in this format for player cooldowns. im lost and could use some help thank you.

      "pCooldown": {
        "USERSSTEAMID": {
          "NPCID": TimeStamp
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2017
  2. It wont look exactly like that but basically you need the datafile to contain a dictionary using the npcId as key, with the value as the cooldown. Then you will need to check the players data, and also the cooldown for the specified npc
    class PCDInfo
       public Dictionary<string, long> npcCooldowns = new Dictionary<string, long>();
    Also I recommend changing your NPCInfo class so that each variable is the correct type. At the moment you have them all as string, then you do a bunch of conversion to change them back to the type they are supposed to be later in the plugin which is a little wierd :p Also your constructor for that class sets all of its variables to 1 that is specified in the arguments. You should change it to give the correct variables, or remove it all together as its not needed

    class NPCInfo
                public string SpawnFile;
                public int Cooldown;
                public bool CanUse;
                public float Cost;
                public string permission;
                public bool UseCommand;
                public bool CommandOnPlayer;
                public string Command;
                public string Arrangements;                  
    ^^ This will also work fine since you manually set all of them outside the constructor later anyway
  3. Code:
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System;
    using Oxide.Core;
    using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
    using Oxide.Core.Configuration;
    using UnityEngine;
    using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
    using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence;
    using static UnityEngine.Vector3;namespace Oxide.Plugins
        [Info("Npctp", "Ts3hosting", "2.2.6", ResourceId = 2229)]
        [Description("Some NPC Controle")]    class Npctp : RustPlugin
            #region Initialization        [PluginReference]
            Plugin Spawns;
            Plugin Economics;        PlayerCooldown pcdData;
            NPCTPDATA npcData;
            private DynamicConfigFile PCDDATA;
            private DynamicConfigFile NPCDATA;
                   private static int cooldownTime = 3600;        private static int auth = 2;
            private static bool noAdminCooldown = false;        private bool Changed;
            private string text;
            private bool displayoneveryconnect;
            private float Cost = 0;
            private static bool useEconomics = false;
            private static bool useRewards = false;
            #region Localization      
            Dictionary<string, string> messages = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"title", "<color=orange>Npc</color> : "},
                {"cdTime", "You must wait another {0} minutes and some seconds before using me again" },
                {"noperm", "You do not have permissions to talk to me!" },
                {"notenabled", "Sorry i am not enabled!" },
                {"nomoney", "Sorry you need {0} to talk to me!" },
                {"charged", "Thanks i only took {0} from you!" },
                {"npcCommand", "I just ran a Command!" }       };
            #endregion        void Loaded()
                PCDDATA = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("NpcTp/NpcTP_Player");
                NPCDATA = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("NpcTp/NpcTP_Data");
                lang.RegisterMessages(messages, this);
                Puts("Thanks for using NPCTP drop me a line if you need anything added.");        }        object GetConfig(string menu, string datavalue, object defaultValue)
                var data = Config[menu] as Dictionary<string, object>;
                if (data == null)
                    data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    Config[menu] = data;
                    Changed = true;
                object value;
                if (!data.TryGetValue(datavalue, out value))
                    value = defaultValue;
                    data[datavalue] = value;
                    Changed = true;
                return value;
            }        private void RegisterPermissions()
                permission.RegisterPermission("npctp.admin", this);
                permission.RegisterPermission("npctp.default", this);
            }        private void CheckDependencies()
                if (Economics == null)
                    if (useEconomics)
                        PrintWarning($"Economics could not be found! Disabling money feature");
                        useEconomics = false;
                if (Spawns == null)
                   PrintWarning($"Spawns Database could not be found!");
                }        }        void LoadVariables()
            {            useEconomics = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("SETTINGS", "useEconomics", false));
                useRewards = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("SETTINGS", "useRewards", false));
                if (Changed)
                    Changed = false;            }
            }        protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
                Puts("Creating a new configuration file!");
            #endregion        #region Classes and Data Management   
            void SaveNpcTpData()
            }               class NPCTPDATA
                public Dictionary<string, NPCInfo> NpcTP = new Dictionary<string, NPCInfo>();
                public NPCTPDATA() { }
            class NPCInfo
                public string SpawnFile;
                public int Cooldown;
                public bool CanUse;
                public float Cost;
                public string permission;
                public bool UseCommand;
                public bool CommandOnPlayer;
                public string Command;
                public string Arrangements;
            class PlayerCooldown
                public Dictionary<ulong, PCDInfo> pCooldown = new Dictionary<ulong, PCDInfo>();            public PlayerCooldown() { }
            class PCDInfo
                public long Cooldown;           
                public PCDInfo() { }
                public PCDInfo(long cd)
                    Cooldown = cd;            }
            }        void SaveData()
            void LoadData()
                    pcdData = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject<PlayerCooldown>("NpcTp/NpcTP_Player");
                    Puts("Couldn't load NPCTP data, creating new Playerfile");
                    pcdData = new PlayerCooldown();
                npcData = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject<NPCTPDATA>("NpcTp/NpcTP_Data");
                    Puts("Couldn't load NPCTP data, creating new datafile");
                    npcData = new NPCTPDATA();
            }        #endregion        #region Cooldown Management              static double GrabCurrentTime() => DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalSeconds;        #endregion
            private void TeleportPlayerPosition1(BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "StartLoading", null, null, null, null, null);
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "ForcePositionTo", destination);
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.ReceivingSnapshot, true);
                if (player.net?.connection == null) return;
                try { player.ClearEntityQueue(null); } catch { }
            private void StartSleeping(BasePlayer player)
                if (player.IsSleeping())
                player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.Sleeping, true);
                if (!BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList.Contains(player))
            }        private bool CheckPlayerMoney(BasePlayer player, int amount)
                if (useEconomics)
                    double money = (double)Economics?.CallHook("GetPlayerMoney", player.userID);
                    if (money >= amount)
                        money = money - amount;
                        Economics?.CallHook("Set", player.userID, money);
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("charged", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));
                        return true;
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("nomoney", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));            }
                return false;
            #region USENPC        [ChatCommand("npctp_add")]
            void cmdNpcAdD(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
            var n = npcData.NpcTP;
            string IDNPC = "";
            string SpawnFiles = "";
            if (args.Length == 2)
                SpawnFiles = (args[1]);
            var setup = new NPCInfo { Cost = Cost, CanUse = false, permission = "npctp.default", UseCommand = false, CommandOnPlayer = false, Command = "say", Arrangements = "this is a test"  };
            var setups = new NPCInfo { Cost = Cost, CanUse = true, SpawnFile = SpawnFiles, permission = "npctp.default", UseCommand = false, CommandOnPlayer = false, Command = "say", Arrangements = "this is a test"  };       
            IDNPC = (args[0]);        if (args.Length == 1 && !n.ContainsKey(IDNPC))   
                    n.Add(IDNPC, setup);
                    SaveNpcTpData();                       if (args.Length == 2 && !n.ContainsKey(IDNPC))
                    n.Add(IDNPC, setups);
                }                                  void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
                ulong playerID = player.userID;
                string lowername = npc.userID.ToString();
                var d = pcdData.pCooldown;
                var np = npcData.NpcTP;
                var NPCUSER = npc.userID;           
                ulong ID = player.userID;
                double timeStamp = GrabCurrentTime();
                var CanUse = np[lowername].CanUse;
                var cooldownTime = np[lowername].Cooldown;
                var buyMoney1 = Convert.ToInt32(np[lowername].Cost);
                var UseCommand = np[lowername].UseCommand;
                var CommandOnPlayer = np[lowername].CommandOnPlayer;
                string Command = np[lowername].Command;
                string Arrangements = np[lowername].Arrangements;
                object newpos = null;
                var bad = "somthing is not right in command on player";
                string spawn = np[lowername].SpawnFile;
                if (!d.ContainsKey(ID))
                    d.Add(ID, new PCDInfo((long)NPCUSER));
                }            if (np.ContainsKey(lowername))
                {                if (!CanUse)
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("notenabled", this)));
                    {                    long time = d[ID].Cooldown;
                        if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.userID.ToString(), "npctp.default"))
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("noperm", this)));
                        if (time > timeStamp && time != 0.0)
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("cdTime", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(time - timeStamp) / 60));
                        else if (!useEconomics && UseCommand == false)
                            d[ID].Cooldown = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                            object success = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                            if (success is Vector3) // Check if the returned type is Vector3
                                Vector3 location = (Vector3)success;
                                TeleportPlayerPosition1(player, (Vector3)success);
                            else PrintError((string)newpos); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                    }                    if (useEconomics && UseCommand == false)
                            if (CheckPlayerMoney(player, buyMoney1))
                                d[ID].Cooldown = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                                object success = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                                if (success is Vector3) // Check if the returned type is Vector3
                                    Vector3 location = (Vector3)success;
                                     TeleportPlayerPosition1(player, (Vector3)success);
                                else PrintError((string)newpos); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                        }
                        if (!useEconomics && UseCommand == true && CommandOnPlayer == true)
                            d[ID].Cooldown = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                            if (CommandOnPlayer) // Check if this is command on player
                                rust.RunServerCommand($"{Command} {player.userID} {Arrangements}");
                                SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcCommand", this)));
                            else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                    }                    if (useEconomics && UseCommand == true && CommandOnPlayer == false)
                            if (CheckPlayerMoney(player, buyMoney1))
                                d[ID].Cooldown = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                            if (!CommandOnPlayer) // Check if this is command on player
                                rust.RunServerCommand($"{Command} {Arrangements}");
                                SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcCommand", this)));
                                else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                        }                                       }
                }                #endregion            }        }    }

    still dont understand the go about of the cooldown i see what your saying save instead of pCooldown would be the npcid just unsure about the route to do that. i did fix the other Suggestions.
  4. well at the moment you have it saving 1 cooldown per player, and you want 1 cooldown per npc, per player. so do pretty much exactly what you are doing now, but 1 layer down if you will. When a player tp's you want to check and assign the cooldown to that npc's ID in that players data.

    This could be cleaned up a bit but this is essentially what you want
            class PCDInfo
                public Dictionary<string, long> npcCooldowns = new Dictionary<string, long>();           
            }        void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
                if (!npcData.NpcTP.ContainsKey(npc.UserIDString)) return; // Check if this NPC is registered            ulong playerId = player.userID;
                string npcId = npc.UserIDString;            double timeStamp = GrabCurrentTime();            var CanUse = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].CanUse;
                var cooldownTime = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Cooldown;
                var buyMoney1 = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Cost;
                var UseCommand = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].UseCommand;
                var CommandOnPlayer = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].CommandOnPlayer;
                string Command = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Command;
                string Arrangements = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Arrangements;
                object newpos = null;
                var bad = "somthing is not right in command on player";
                string spawn = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].SpawnFile;            if (!pcdData.pCooldown.ContainsKey(playerId))
                    pcdData.pCooldown.Add(playerId, new PCDInfo());
                }            if (!CanUse)
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("notenabled", this)));
                    if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.userID.ToString(), "npctp.default"))
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("noperm", this)));
                    if (pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns.ContainsKey(npcId)) // Check if the player already has a cooldown for this NPC
                        var cdTime = pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId]; // Get the cooldown time of the NPC
                        if (cdTime > timeStamp)
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("cdTime", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(cdTime - timeStamp) / 60));
                    else if (!useEconomics && UseCommand == false)
                        pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId] = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime; // Store the new cooldown in the players data under the specified NPC
                        object success = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                        if (success is Vector3) // Check if the returned type is Vector3
                            Vector3 location = (Vector3)success;
                            TeleportPlayerPosition1(player, (Vector3)success);
                        else PrintError((string)newpos); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                }                if (useEconomics && UseCommand == false)
                        if (CheckPlayerMoney(player, (int)buyMoney1))
                            pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId] = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                            object success = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                            if (success is Vector3) // Check if the returned type is Vector3
                                Vector3 location = (Vector3)success;
                                TeleportPlayerPosition1(player, (Vector3)success);
                            else PrintError((string)newpos); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                    }                if (!useEconomics && UseCommand == true && CommandOnPlayer == true)
                        pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId] = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                        SaveData();                    if (CommandOnPlayer) // Check if this is command on player
                            rust.RunServerCommand($"{Command} {player.userID} {Arrangements}");
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcCommand", this)));
                        else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                }                if (useEconomics && UseCommand == true && CommandOnPlayer == false)
                        if (CheckPlayerMoney(player, (int)buyMoney1))
                            pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId] = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                            if (!CommandOnPlayer) // Check if this is command on player
                                rust.RunServerCommand($"{Command} {Arrangements}");
                                SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcCommand", this)));
                            else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                    }
  5. you are a life saver.... thank you.
  6. Code:
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System;
    using Oxide.Core;
    using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
    using Oxide.Core.Configuration;
    using UnityEngine;
    using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
    using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence;
    using static UnityEngine.Vector3;namespace Oxide.Plugins
        [Info("Npctp", "Ts3hosting", "2.2.7", ResourceId = 2229)]
        [Description("Some NPC Controle Thanks Wulf and k1lly0u")]    class Npctp : RustPlugin
            #region Initialization        [PluginReference]
            Plugin Spawns;
            Plugin Economics;
            Plugin ServerRewards;        PlayerCooldown pcdData;
            NPCTPDATA npcData;
            private DynamicConfigFile PCDDATA;
            private DynamicConfigFile NPCDATA;
                   private static int cooldownTime = 3600;        private static int auth = 2;
            private static bool noAdminCooldown = false;        private bool Changed;
            private string text;
            private bool displayoneveryconnect;
            private float Cost = 0;
            private static bool useEconomics = false;
            private static bool useRewards = false;
            #region Localization      
            Dictionary<string, string> messages = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"title", "<color=orange>Npc</color> : "},
                {"cdTime", "You must wait another {0} minutes and some seconds before using me again" },
                {"noperm", "You do not have permissions to talk to me!" },
                {"notenabled", "Sorry i am not enabled!" },
                {"nomoney", "Sorry you need {0} to talk to me!" },
                {"charged", "Thanks i only took {0} from you!" },
                {"npcCommand", "I just ran a Command!" },
                {"npcadd", "Added npcID {0} to datafile and not enabled edit NpcTP_Data ." },
                {"npcadds", "Added npcID {0} with spawnfile {1} to datafile and enabled edit NpcTP_Data for more options." },
                {"npcerror", "error example /npctp_add <npcID> <spawnfile> or /npctcp_add <npcID>" },
                {"nopermcmd", "You do not have permissions to use this command" }       };
            #endregion        void Loaded()
                PCDDATA = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("NpcTp/NpcTP_Player");
                NPCDATA = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.GetFile("NpcTp/NpcTP_Data");
                lang.RegisterMessages(messages, this);
                Puts("Thanks for using NPCTP drop me a line if you need anything added.");        }        object GetConfig(string menu, string datavalue, object defaultValue)
                var data = Config[menu] as Dictionary<string, object>;
                if (data == null)
                    data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    Config[menu] = data;
                    Changed = true;
                object value;
                if (!data.TryGetValue(datavalue, out value))
                    value = defaultValue;
                    data[datavalue] = value;
                    Changed = true;
                return value;
            }        private void RegisterPermissions()
                permission.RegisterPermission("npctp.admin", this);
                permission.RegisterPermission("npctp.default", this);
                foreach (var perm in npcData.NpcTP.Values)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(perm.permission) && !permission.PermissionExists(perm.permission))
                        permission.RegisterPermission(perm.permission, this);
            }        private void CheckDependencies()
                if (Economics == null)
                    if (useEconomics)
                        PrintWarning($"Economics could not be found! Disabling money feature");
                        useEconomics = false;
                if (ServerRewards == null)
                    if (useRewards)
                        PrintWarning($"ServerRewards could not be found! Disabling RP feature");
                        useRewards = false;
                if (Spawns == null)
                   PrintWarning($"Spawns Database could not be found you only can use command NPC all other will fail!");
                }        }        void LoadVariables()
            {            useEconomics = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("SETTINGS", "useEconomics", false));
                useRewards = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("SETTINGS", "useRewards", false));
                if (Changed)
                    Changed = false;            }
            }        protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
                Puts("Creating a new configuration file!");
            #endregion        #region Classes and Data Management   
            void SaveNpcTpData()
            }               class NPCTPDATA
                public Dictionary<string, NPCInfo> NpcTP = new Dictionary<string, NPCInfo>();
                public NPCTPDATA() { }
            class NPCInfo
                public string SpawnFile;
                public int Cooldown;
                public bool CanUse;
                public float Cost;
                public string permission;
                public bool UseCommand;
                public bool CommandOnPlayer;
                public string Command;
                public string Arrangements;
            class PlayerCooldown
                public Dictionary<ulong, PCDInfo> pCooldown = new Dictionary<ulong, PCDInfo>();            public PlayerCooldown() { }
            class PCDInfo
            {            public Dictionary<string, long> npcCooldowns = new Dictionary<string, long>();
                public PCDInfo() { }
                public PCDInfo(long cd)
            }        void SaveData()
            void LoadData()
                    pcdData = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject<PlayerCooldown>("NpcTp/NpcTP_Player");
                    Puts("Couldn't load NPCTP data, creating new Playerfile");
                    pcdData = new PlayerCooldown();
                npcData = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject<NPCTPDATA>("NpcTp/NpcTP_Data");
                    Puts("Couldn't load NPCTP data, creating new datafile");
                    npcData = new NPCTPDATA();
            }        #endregion        #region Cooldown Management              static double GrabCurrentTime() => DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalSeconds;        #endregion
            private void TeleportPlayerPosition1(BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "StartLoading", null, null, null, null, null);
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "ForcePositionTo", destination);
                if (player.net?.connection != null)
                    player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.ReceivingSnapshot, true);
                if (player.net?.connection == null) return;
                try { player.ClearEntityQueue(null); } catch { }
            private void StartSleeping(BasePlayer player)
                if (player.IsSleeping())
                player.SetPlayerFlag(BasePlayer.PlayerFlags.Sleeping, true);
                if (!BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList.Contains(player))
            }        private bool CheckPlayerMoney(BasePlayer player, int amount)
                if (useEconomics)
                    double money = (double)Economics?.CallHook("GetPlayerMoney", player.userID);
                    if (money >= amount)
                        money = money - amount;
                        Economics?.CallHook("Set", player.userID, money);
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("charged", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));
                        return true;
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("nomoney", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));            }
                return false;
            }        private bool CheckPlayerRP(BasePlayer player, int amount)
                if (useRewards)
                    var money = (int)ServerRewards.Call("CheckPoints", player.userID);
                    if (money >= amount)
                        ServerRewards.Call("TakePoints", player.userID, amount);
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("charged", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));
                        return true;
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("nomoney", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(amount)));            }
                return false;
            }        #region USENPC        [ChatCommand("npctp_add")]
            void cmdNpcAdD(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
            var n = npcData.NpcTP;
            string IDNPC = "";
            string SpawnFiles = "";
                    if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.userID.ToString(), "npctp.admin"))
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("nopermcmd", this)));
            if (args.Length == 2)
                SpawnFiles = (args[1]);
            var setup = new NPCInfo { Cost = Cost, CanUse = false, permission = "npctp.default", UseCommand = false, CommandOnPlayer = false, Command = "say", Arrangements = "this is a test"  };
            var setups = new NPCInfo { Cost = Cost, CanUse = true, SpawnFile = SpawnFiles, permission = "npctp.default", UseCommand = false, CommandOnPlayer = false, Command = "say", Arrangements = "this is a test"  };
            if (args.Length <= 0)
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcerror", this, player.UserIDString)));
            IDNPC = (args[0]);
            if (args.Length == 1)
                if (!n.ContainsKey(IDNPC))   
                    n.Add(IDNPC, setup);
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcadd", this, player.UserIDString), (string)(IDNPC)));
            if (args.Length == 2)
                if (!n.ContainsKey(IDNPC))
                    n.Add(IDNPC, setups);
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcadds", this, player.UserIDString), (string)(IDNPC), (string)(SpawnFiles)));               
                    }                          void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
                if (!npcData.NpcTP.ContainsKey(npc.UserIDString)) return; // Check if this NPC is registered            ulong playerId = player.userID;
                string npcId = npc.UserIDString;            double timeStamp = GrabCurrentTime();            var CanUse = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].CanUse;
                var cooldownTime = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Cooldown;
                var buyMoney1 = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Cost;
                var UseCommand = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].UseCommand;
                var CommandOnPlayer = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].CommandOnPlayer;
                var Perms = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].permission;
                string Command = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Command;
                string Arrangements = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].Arrangements;
                object newpos = null;
                var bad = "somthing is not right somewhere";
                string spawn = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].SpawnFile;            if (!pcdData.pCooldown.ContainsKey(playerId))
                    pcdData.pCooldown.Add(playerId, new PCDInfo());
                }            if (!CanUse)
                    SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("notenabled", this)));
                    if (!permission.UserHasPermission(player.userID.ToString(), Perms))
                        SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("noperm", this)));
                    if (pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns.ContainsKey(npcId)) // Check if the player already has a cooldown for this NPC
                        var cdTime = pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId]; // Get the cooldown time of the NPC
                        if (cdTime > timeStamp)
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("cdTime", this, player.UserIDString), (int)(cdTime - timeStamp) / 60));
                    if (useRewards)
                        if (CheckPlayerRP(player, (int)buyMoney1))
                    if (useEconomics)
                        if (CheckPlayerMoney(player, (int)buyMoney1))
                    if (UseCommand == false)
                    {                    pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId] = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime; // Store the new cooldown in the players data under the specified NPC
                        object success = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                        if (success is Vector3) // Check if the returned type is Vector3
                            Vector3 location = (Vector3)success;
                            TeleportPlayerPosition1(player, (Vector3)success);
                        else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                }                if (UseCommand == true && CommandOnPlayer == false)
                        pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId] = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                        SaveData();                    if (CommandOnPlayer) // Check if this is command on player
                            rust.RunServerCommand($"{Command} {Arrangements}");
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcCommand", this)));
                        else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                }
                    if (UseCommand == true && CommandOnPlayer == true)
                        pcdData.pCooldown[playerId].npcCooldowns[npcId] = (long)timeStamp + cooldownTime;
                        SaveData();                    if (CommandOnPlayer) // Check if this is command on player
                            rust.RunServerCommand($"{Command} {player.userID} {Arrangements}");
                            SendReply(player, string.Format(lang.GetMessage("title", this) + lang.GetMessage("npcCommand", this)));
                        else PrintError((string)bad); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem                }
                }        }    }

    everything seems to be ok now any more recommendation?