1. Hello, I am trying to create a Purge plugin where every 12 hours or so the server goes into a Purge for 30 minutes then it's recides back to normal, and instead of imfamy system being used, for a total of 30 minutes full loot system will be used so before I decide to give it a try to develop this I would like to know I couple things, and if they might be possible or not?

    First, is it possible to change from imfamy to full loot without restarting the server every X seconds?

    And secondly, is it possible to disable all Teleportation commands with a plugin every X seconds?

    Also if the first question is not possible, would it be possible to recreate the full loot system to drop all gear on death, and enable/disable every X seconds?

    [DOUBLEPOST=1455481873,1455406887][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyone know if the two above are possible! :D
  2. You can hotswap the playerlootmode without restarting the server, yes.