1. Hi,

    I would like to know if there is a way to detect objects such as boxes, sleeping bags and so on ... when I have the foundation (or any BuildingBlock) it is on.
    I can get all BuildingBlocks of a building but I can't find what is on each of them.

    what I tried :
    -> For each BuildingBlock, call Physics.SphereCast towards up but it didn't hit anything
  2. Adapted from what Facepunch does to destroy deployed items if the building block gets destroyed:
    BuildingBlock block; // your BuildingBlock
    Collider component = block.GetComponentInChildren<Collider>();
    if (component)
        Bounds bound = component.bounds;
        List<BaseEntity> list = Facepunch.Pool.GetList<BaseEntity>();    Vis.Entities<BaseEntity>(bound.center, bound.extents.magnitude + 1f, list, 2097408, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide);
        foreach (BaseEntity baseEntity in list)
            if (!baseEntity.IsDestroyed && !baseEntity.isClient && !(baseEntity is BuildingBlock))
                // DO STUFF
        Facepunch.Pool.FreeList<BaseEntity>(ref list);
  3. Thank you, it works very well :)