1. So right. I have the code below and preferably I need to refund it. So say he places a furnace down(now I wont know for a fact he will place a furnace, might even be a lantern). But, how would I get the item id/name to refund the object at hand. Thanks :)

            List<string> Placeables = new List<string>(){
            void OnEntitySpawned(BaseNetworkable entity){
                var ent = entity as BaseEntity;
                var player = BasePlayer.FindByID(ent.OwnerID);
                List<BaseEntity> blocks = new List<BaseEntity>();
                Vis.Entities(ent.transform.position, 3f, blocks);
                foreach(var entry in blocks){
                        if(entry.transform.position.y > ent.transform.position.y){
                            if(ent is BuildingBlock){
                            foreach(var basic in Placeables){
                                    SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage("Bad Boy", this, player.UserIDString));
                                    if(ent != null) ent.Kill();
  2. Check my Random Deployables plugin
  3. Worked like a charm. Thank you!