1. I'm trying to make a timer wait n seconds based on a range of in-game time (ie, 2hrs): I've tried the following:
    void TimerLoop() {
        float nextEvent = NextEvent(TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour); // calculate time to next event
        float realtimeSeconds = TOD_Sky.Instance.Components.Time.DayLengthInMinutes * 60f; // to seconds
        float timeToWait = nextEvent / 24f * realtimeSeconds;
        timer.Once(timeToWait, () => TimerLoop());
    The problem I'm seeing is that it only seems to cover just over half of the desired wait time, so I get many extra timers spawned:
    TimerLoop: wait time: 28.03087
    TimerLoop: wait time: 13.80358
    TimerLoop: wait time: 6.753445
    TimerLoop: wait time: 3.32365
    TimerLoop: wait time: 1.640511
    TimerLoop: wait time: 0.5607605
    TimerLoop: wait time: 0.2749443
    TimerLoop: wait time: 0.1161575
    TimerLoop: wait time: 0.05264282
    TimerLoop: wait time: 0.02088547
    TimerLoop: wait time: 599.9891
    Is there something I'm missing? Or a more accurate way to do this than to just scale my timers by 2x?
  2. Code:
    TOD_Sky.Instance.Components.Time.OnDay += ()=> {
        Interface.Oxide.LogInfo("one day passed...");
    it may be useful
  3. Sorry, but that's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a more accurate way to translate x in-game hours to y real-time seconds.

    EDIT: Looks like I just have to scale the time by 2f - I guess "Day" length translates to daytime? :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2017
  4. TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.DateTime.ToShortTimeString() ?

    Edit: Misunderstand your question, this method is to get ingame hours+seconds, not converted to real time passed.
  5. As far as I can tell you want an event to occur every 2 hours (in-game time) so you would actually be able to use a variant of what Andrew Mensky suggested before. The TODTimeComponent has various events you can add an action to, including `OnHour` which is supposed to trigger on the hour (in-game time) every hour.