1. Hello all,

    I want get the id Item, thats it's logical, it's the name of this topic :)
    In ItemInstance i have see one function get_Item(), he return one object of type : Assets.Scripts.Core.IItem
    And this Object (Assets.Scripts.Core.IItem) contain a function get_ItemId() (return (int))
    I want take this int in get_ItemId.

    My variable test is a ItemInstance not empty
    int id = test.get_Item().get_ItemId();
    I have this message.
    `Assets.Scripts.Core.IItem.ItemId.get': cannot explicitly call operator or accessor.
    I don't know why.

    Sorry for my bad English.
    Thank you in advance.
  2. Here's an example from one of my works in progress.

                //Retrieve the players inventory
                PlayerInventory inventory = curPlayer.session.WorldPlayerEntity.GetComponent<PlayerInventory>();            //Get the inventory contents
                var invContents = inventory.Items;            //Loop through each item in the inventory
                for (var i = 0; i < inventory.Items.Length; i++)
                    PrintWarning(invContents[i].Item.ItemId) + "");
    Could you tell me more specifically what you're trying to do, maybe I can post more relevant examples.