1. Hello,

    I don't know if I'm posting at the right place ... I'm looking for a way to get the player's client configuration for each player connected to a server. I try to block players modifying their FOV parameter (increasing FOV you can just see through walls ...)

    Do you know :
    1/ if the client send his configuration to the server
    2/ if oxide is able to retreive these informations and provide them for being used in a plugin ?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It isn't possible. It is never sent to the server, it is the client's configuration. Unless that for some reason changed in Experimental, there is no way.
  3. That's a shame ... I discovered the trick of the FOV yesterday and it seems that a lot of players use that. It's not acceptable it's really cheated and I can't find a way to block that ...
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Best you can do is complain to Facepunch for a way to prevent it or a way of checking client settings.
  5. Thanks I will try that.