1. dumb question
    if we attach with setparent spawned entity to zero bone or one exact, can we just set starting position and rotation? because I can't
                BaseEntity ent = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(prefab, pos, Quaternion.Euler(180,90,0));
    settings are just ignored
    maybe Im missing adding Rigidbody and it ought to be here? or something todo with setting parent for transform object for spawned entity?
  2. Does every baseentity has Renderer component?
    cause on (myEntity as BaseEntity).gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>() I get null
    Im trying to get available bones of object and failing on this :(
  3. Set the local position after parenting. Parenting is annoying imo
  4. Ive tried that, found old weaponsonback plugin and whatever position and rotation I give, all depends on what bone I'm parenting (eg. here it was parenting to spine1 and now when Facepunch integrated the ability to show weapons on back, they are pareting to spine3).
    so I have no answer for now