1. this is what i have so far

            void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
          ulong  playerID = player.userID;
          string lowername = npc.displayName;      string lowernpc = NpcID;                object newpos = null;
                    string spawn = SpawnsFile;                var count = Spawns.Call("GetSpawnsCount", spawn);             if (lowername.Contains(lowernpc)) newpos = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                    else if (lowername.Contains(lowernpc)) newpos = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);                 SendReply(player, $"test {newpos} " );              }}
    Its returning like ( x, y, z)

    how can i have it return x y z
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Get the individual values and format them how you'd like. Example:
    SendReply(player, $"test {newpos.x} {newpos.y} {newpos.z}");
  3. i did tyy that i get

    (15:24:15) | [Oxide] 15:24 [Error] Error while compiling Npctp.cs(145,78): error CS1061: Type `object' does not contain a definition for `z' and no extension method `z' of type `object' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

    im new to c and i must be missing something somewhere

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System;
    using Oxide.Core;
    using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
    using Oxide.Core.Configuration;
    using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui;
    using Newtonsoft.Json;
    using UnityEngine;
    using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
    using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
    using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence;namespace Oxide.Plugins
        [Info("Npctp", "Ts3hosting", "2.2.0", ResourceId = 2229)]
        [Description("Some NPC Controle")]    class Npctp : RustPlugin
            #region Initialization        [PluginReference]
            Plugin Spawns;        const string permUse = "Npctp.admin";        private bool backroundimage;
            private bool Changed;
                     bool NPCUSE = false;
            private string text;
            private bool displayoneveryconnect;
            private string NpcID;
            private string SpawnsFile;
            private bool Enabled;
                   void Loaded() 
                permission.RegisterPermission("npctp.usecmd", this);
                data = Interface.GetMod().DataFileSystem.ReadObject<Data>("RulesGUIdata");
            object GetConfig(string menu, string datavalue, object defaultValue)
                var data = Config[menu] as Dictionary<string, object>;
                if (data == null)
                    data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    Config[menu] = data;
                    Changed = true;
                object value;
                if (!data.TryGetValue(datavalue, out value))
                    value = defaultValue;
                    data[datavalue] = value;
                    Changed = true;
                return value; 
            void LoadVariables()
                NpcID = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("NpcOne", "NpcID", "land_tp"));
                Enabled = Convert.ToBoolean(GetConfig("NpcOne", "Enabled", false));
                SpawnsFile = Convert.ToString(GetConfig("NpcOne", "SpawnsFile", "arena"));           
                if (Changed)
                    Changed = false;
            }        protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
                Puts("Creating a new configuration file!");
            }        class Data
                public List<string> Players = new List<string>{};
            }        Data data;
            #endregion        #region Localization        void LoadDefaultMessages()
                // English
                lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary<string, string>
                    ["CommandUsage"] = "Usage: {0} <name or id> <amount> (amount is optional)",
                }, this);        }        #endregion
           #region USENPC             
            void OnUseNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player, Vector3 destination)
          ulong  playerID = player.userID;
          string lowername = npc.displayName;      string lowernpc = NpcID;                object newpos = null;
                    string spawn = SpawnsFile;                var count = Spawns.Call("GetSpawnsCount", spawn);             if (lowername.Contains(lowernpc)) newpos = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                    else if (lowername.Contains(lowernpc)) newpos = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                   SendReply(player, $"test {newpos.x} {newpos.y} {newpos.z}");
    }        #endregion
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'd need to cast your newpos to Vector3.
  5. you have an example how to do that i have tried and tried been working on this for 8 hours seem stuck.
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Might work:
    (Vector3)Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn)
  7. what would be the call after that to split it into x y z?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1481925643][/DOUBLEPOST]i appreciate all the help i can get atm this is the only point i cant get past. i just got to get from format (100, 30.2, 100) to 100 30.2 100
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2016
  8. i think i got it thanks.
  9. Spawns can also return a string containing a error message if the spawn point or spawn file is invalid, so you may want to check if the type is Vector3 before directly casting it

    if (newpos is Vector3)
       SendReply(player, $"test {(Vector3)newpos.x} {(Vector3)newpos.y} {(Vector3)newpos.z}");

  10. Here is what i have and it is working but i was wondering if i wanted to have my config calls better how would i go about calling somthing from the config example my config looks like this.

      "NpcOne": {
        "Enabled": false,
        "NpcID": "803382740",
        "SpawnsFile": "tpbot1"
      "NpcTwo": {
        "Enabled1": "false",
        "NpcID1": "123456789",
        "SpawnsFile1": "setme"

    and the calls now i have are
    string spawn = SpawnsFile;
    string spawn1 = SpawnsFile1;

    is there s way where i can eliminate the SpawnFile1 and have it called SpawnFile and still get the correct call?

    the way i did the call i do not know if i can add that?
              if (lowernpc == lowername)
                newpos = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
                    var location = (Vector3)newpos;
                    var locx = location.x;
                    var locy = location.y;
                    var locz = location.z; 
                   rust.RunServerCommand($"teleport.topos {player.userID} {locx} {locy} {locz}");               }
  11. Of course you can :p
    if (lowernpc == lowername)
       object success = Spawns.Call("GetRandomSpawn", spawn);
       if (success is Vector3) // Check if the returned type is Vector3
          Vector3 location = (Vector3) success;      
          rust.RunServerCommand($"teleport.topos {player.userID} {location.x} {location.y} {location.z}");
       else PrintError((string)newpos); // Otherwise print the error message to console so server owners know there is a problem
  12. is there a way to convert a x y z back into a vecotr3? example object test = x y z witch will become a vector3 format?
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    new Vector3(x, y, z)
  14. Code:
                                object success = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                                TeleportPlayerPosition1(player, (Vector3)success)
    error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `string' expression to type `float
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Convert it to a float. ;)
  16. im trying to find a readme on that one lol no luck im still reading threw cSharp
    ot it thanks again for the help

                            float newX = float.Parse(x);
                            float newY = float.Parse(y);
                            float newZ = float.Parse(z);
                                   object success = new Vector3(newX, newY, newZ);
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    new Vector3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);

    Also works.
  18. i tried that and was getting errors still
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Sounds like your string is not just a number then.