1. Hello,

    how i can do baricades, and other entity imunne to damage? I create PVP arena, and there all time baricades destroy form bullets :/

    Next q is- how i can disable command kill for suecide?

    Last question... When player die he while lying and waiting for help. If he die for bleeding or
    or never arrives him - how i can get info who shot last bullet?
  2. Please... No help? :/
  3. Hello Zhule You should get ZoneManager :) That can prevent enitity dmg + no suicide /zone Undestr True and /zone NoSuicide True

  4. Yea, but the less plugins the better....

    Any work, there is for developer who find it:
    Block command kill:
            private void cmdKill(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
                var player = arg.Player();
                PrintToChat(player, "Sorry, but command kill is disabled. You must wait for help or die.");
    And easy code for block destroy baricades:
            void OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info)
              if(entity is Barricade)  {
                info.damageTypes = new DamageTypeList();
                info.DoHitEffects = false;
                      info.HitMaterial = 0;
                      info.HitEntity = null;         
    But dont know, how get who damaged player last when he drop on the ground, but not die...
  5. There should be an example to block suicide in ZoneManager - I know I've seen that code in there...

    Look into the hook OnPlayerDie - this hook is called right before a player dies or is wounded, so you could keep track of last hits using that hook, then if a player is wounded (detect with OnPlayerWound) you can look up their last hit and do what you want with it...