1. Thats it. a plugin to disable commands used by another plugins
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Why do you need to disable a plugin's commands?
  3. Control + F for "ChatCommand" or "Command" if the plugin is covalence, then delete the block.
  4. Sure the op meant to do it dynamic by function from outside this plugin :p
  5. Disable commands for x group, bassed on permission.
    Example: i dont want a group to have access to all the commands from one plugin, but i want another group who can. It will make it easier for other plugins too, instead of adding permission on every plugin you could use a plugin who set permissions for the commands, and handle a lot of permissions in only one plugin. does it make any sense ?

    plus: people whitout knowledge of c# could add permission to every command they want to
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2017
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    So either grant a permission for each plugin... or add a command to a whitelist in a new plugin to allow... seems about the same amount of work. You can't just block ALL commands, as half their game won't work then as a lot of the Rust client relies on commands sent to the server.

    If you made a plugin, it wouldn't know if the command was from a plugin in many instances. The best you could do is intercept chat commands only, and only if they send the / with them.
  7. I was talking about chat commands, by the way.
    It isnt the same amount of work, because with a whitelist, the admin does the work (just whitelist a string) instead of the plugin developer. but i get it, its pretty much the same!
    Also you could set the permissions as you want. Example: "Bounty" has multiple commands, one to set a bounty, another one to collect the payment, etc. you could assign the collect command to the default group, and the one to make bounties to the VIP group.
    A lot of the plugins comes with just 1 o 2 perm to make it work on the dessigned group or not; it doesnt give you too much freedom!
    I mean, in every plugin post u will see someone asking for perms!

    PD: ty for your wisdom! :)
    and sorry for my english!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2017
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Right, but intercepting commands may not be guaranteed if another plugin is also intercepting commands. The better solution is to use permissions in the plugins directly. There's nothing wrong with requesting permissions from a plugin either, most of the time they are added. You'll also run into issues if a command already has permission checks, then you'd have to grant those permissions in addition to the permission you create with the plugin intercepting them.
  9. ok, i guess you're right! nevermind xD
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'd say that it could still be done, but I'd only recommend using it for plugins that do not have permissions already, for the reason I mentioned previously.