1. How can i remove DataFile?
    Or like at least, how to change folder?

    Cause i have file: "*****/{player.userID}", and i need to remove this file, or change location of this file like "*****/Closed/{player.userID}".
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can null out the datafile or manually remove it while the plugin isn't loaded. To set a folder, just add the folder to the name.
  3. No, it must work like, remove in plugin work proccess.
    Cause i have checks like: if ****.ExistsDataFile, then.

    And i need to remove data file while plugin work.
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I don't think anything exists to actually remove the file, but you can update, clear it, and set a new location while loaded.
  5. I think i have too bad english to explain but, i have plugin that create DataFile for each player. Like: ***.WriteObject($"***Players/{player.userID}"), and then when player connect and exist file with name $"***Players/{player.userID}" it do something. But i need to easy use like:
    /s.add Hougan -> That will create file for me
    and /s.remove Hougan -> That will remove file for me
    Cause i have a lot of files of one plugin, something like that.

    So, i am looking at, how to remove file, or like as Plan "B", to change location, and ****.ExistDataFile(****/{player.userID}) will not find it, cause it will be in (****/Deleted/{player.userID}).
  6. Sounds like you should use MySQL :)
  7. Nah, i dont need this, if u knew what i am doing, you would not have any question :)
    So topic is not close, i need idea how i can delete / move Data File
  8. You need create library with remove LibraryFunction