Rust Damage types modifier

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Colon Blow, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. Looking for a plugin to control or modify damage done by each type of damage.
    example Fall damage is 0% of any damage taken, where as all fire damage is 200% of damage taken no matter what weapon was used.
    Would like to see all possible damage types easily changeable. such as explosive, blunt, fire, and all others.

    And does anyone know if the damage caused on a PVE server when shooting someone, or someone's house is a different type of damage? like reflective. Or does it just take that specific damage and return it to shooter?
  2. Look at my NoDecay mod:

    I'm basically making the damage nil if the target is a foundation and the damage is of type "Decay". You could just use that as a base and apply multipliers to any damage that goes through there.

    No idea on reflective damage.
  3. cool ill check it out. thank you.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1436046029][/DOUBLEPOST]seems to work well, I added the BasePlayer entity as well as the buildingblock you had to customize it up.
    a good point for me to learn a little about plugin programming for sure. :) thank again.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1436048725][/DOUBLEPOST]and the damage reflected is classified as Generic it seems :)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1436224931,1436045223][/DOUBLEPOST]yes that works great for nullifying any damage types on various entity's. what about multiply damage? like on your no decay, could I modify that string to say double decay damage just as easy?

    and how do I get a list of entity's such as Baseplayer, buildingblock....etc etc.. is there a list of various entity types along with entities within it?
  4. You can apply a multiplier to the damage instead of setting it to zero for sure. You could even have different multipliers for different types of damage and even have conditions, etc. Everything is possible.

    As for the list, I don't think there is a published list but you can use a decompiler to find out what classes derive from BaseEntity.. Pretty much everything in the game derives from it, trees, rocks, crates, bushes, animals, etc.
  5. thanks for the direction, I have exactly what I need now. I can nullify or scale all major damage types for all entity's, or specific class of entity.
  6. Look at my new version of NoDecay, I use more precise functions to control damage, might want to use it as an inspiration :)
  7. Needs to be approved first, takes a while.
  8. cool. and thank you again.