1. Hey, looking for a plugin (Nocost,craftui) Ive used craftui but its still to buggy. I was wondering if there is a way so players have like a invisible amount of components so they can craft all items in the game.
  2. Well. You could give them like 10,000 components when they spawn. And delete them upon death, disconnect, etc. I've got a private plugin that does this but its just for building(wood, metal, stones).
                void OnPlayerDisconnected(BasePlayer target, string reason){
                    if(!infi.Contains(target.userID)) return;
                    target.inventory.containerMain.capacity = 24;
                    target.inventory.Take(null, 3655341, 5000000);
                    target.inventory.Take(null, -892070738, 5000000);
                    target.inventory.Take(null, 688032252, 5000000);
                    target.inventory.Take(null, 374890416, 5000000);
                                List<Item> toAdd = new List<Item>();
                                target.inventory.containerMain.capacity = 30;
                                toAdd.Add(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(3655341, 5000000)); //Wood
                                toAdd.Add(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(-892070738, 5000000)); //Stone
                                toAdd.Add(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(688032252, 5000000)); //Metal Frags
                                toAdd.Add(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(374890416, 5000000)); //High Qual
                                toAdd[0].MoveToContainer(target.inventory.containerMain, 29, true);
                                toAdd[1].MoveToContainer(target.inventory.containerMain, 28, true);
                                toAdd[2].MoveToContainer(target.inventory.containerMain, 27, true);
                                toAdd[3].MoveToContainer(target.inventory.containerMain, 26, true);
                                SendReply(target, "Infinite Building turned on!");
                                SendReply(player, $"Infinite Building turned on for {target.displayName}");
                                target.inventory.containerMain.capacity = 24;
                                target.inventory.Take(null, 3655341, 5000000);
                                target.inventory.Take(null, -892070738, 5000000);
                                target.inventory.Take(null, 688032252, 5000000);
                                target.inventory.Take(null, 374890416, 5000000);
                                SendReply(target, "Infinite Building turned off!");
                                SendReply(player, $"Infinite Building turned off for {target.displayName}");
    A snippet from my version of it. Could be edited by most of the developers on oxide ;)
  3. Well i got a ready to use CreativeCrafting plugin pm me if you are interested
  4. How does your plugin work?
    Do I have to change
    toAdd.Add(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(3655341, 5000000)); //Wood
    toAdd.Add(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(-892070738, 5000000)); //Stone
    toAdd.Add(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(688032252, 5000000)); //Metal Frags
    toAdd.Add(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(374890416, 5000000)); //High Qual
    this to all the components?
  5. It add items on respawn and connect in hidden slots, on dead it remove it before spawning the corpse
  6. That sounds what i need. Do you want money for it? and how do I pm i forgot
  7. Hey Sam, can we pm about this plugin? :D