1. Hello i just wanted to ask if there is an option in Hurtworld to play with the GUI settings (like creating a new window where u can interact)

    or open existing Windows instances (like OwnerStakeWindow).
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Not really aside from UI that may exist in custom maps.
  3. Thanks, i changed the Thread Title :)
  4. I've been thinking a bit about the same thing as OP. The idea being to add a map to a custom level.

    In devblog update #25, Cowt_Trix wrote about implementing html support to the gui.
    This makes me believe that we could run a version of Hurtworld Map - Interactive map for Hurtworld live in the game.. Maybe just as a iframe.

    Would love to know more about adding UI in custom maps, Wulf:
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I've not made any custom maps so I can't tell you much.
  6. Unfortunately the WebUI stuff ended up being very very broken. We put a hold on it until the team making it could resolve some of the issues.
  7. Thanks for your answere :)
  8. 6.jpg
    like this?
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, that is the custom map stuff I was referring to.
  10. 不是很会玩 , I have no Oxide knowledge, some info on how you achieve this and how dynamic it can be would be very interesting to read through..!
  11. not dynamic,static only

    oxide cant change the text info,I look forward to the future to achieve

    Because the server can not communicate with the client.
    so cant dynamic change info.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
  12. I really can't wait for atleast the webui because giving this will help a lot for instance player presses "M" opens up a webui Map that shows where x player is and friends are etc.