Solved Console "remove" command?

Discussion in 'Rust Discussion' started by Piarb, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Somewhere (rust reddit or facepunch forum) once (about 1-2 months ago) I seen someone's post how to bind a key to admin console command that destroys building part you a looking at.There was a video about this.
    Now I can't find this post. Can someone tell me - is this command exists or that was temporal staging version?
  2. write console game (F1) write bind "q" "ent.kill"

    "q" = button to press when you want to destroy something
  3. bind q "ent kill" <--- destroyes what you are aiming at.
    bind q "ent unlock" <--- unlocks the lock or picture you are aiming at.
    bind q "ent lock" <---- locks whatever you are aiming at.

    The " " is required. atleest for me it whas been.
  4. Should no longer be required since they made this change:
  5. HelloKitty, Tuntenfisch, big THANKS
  6. that shit doesnt work at all
  7. Since update, bind <key> ent kill (Needs to be a letter)

    Should look like this for example

    bind n ent kill
  8. The last update broke a lot of my bindings. Even though " " are not needed anymore, it still works using them, but what i cat get to work is if the bind has more than one space.
    bind x chat.say /bgrade 3 and bind x chat.say "/bgrade 3" both giving the same result, just gives me the same information you'd get from typing /bgrade
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    bind x "chat.say \"/bgrade 3\""


    bind x \"chat.say \"/bgrade 3\"\"
  10. Anyway I can remove this command? I mean change the binding key from q to another key?
    I tried doing it but it doesnt work.
    The q is still the binding key.
    never mind i can just turn it on and off :)
  11. It doesn't work for me :(
    [DOUBLEPOST=1489836579][/DOUBLEPOST]Apparently, commands with args don't work, there is a way to concat them in the chat ??

    The solution is use a back slash at the end of the command like this:
    bind UpArrow chat.say "/home 1"\
  13. You guys... If you are trying to bind multiple words to a key you are making this forum frustrating. Its bind v chat.say "/bgrade 2"; the semi colin acts as ending the command, and the "" is the variable. If its only one word then its bind x chat.say /remove. These only work on modded servers that have this plug in so if you are like wtf then thats why.
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    bind v "chat.say \"/bgrade 2\""

    You can bind it that way to handle a chat command (Rust doesn't normally have chat commands). A modded server doesn't really have anything to do with it, the binding has handled by the Rust client. The key is to making sure you quote and escape in order for the multi-word bind to actually save. If you are chaining some together, your method may work too, but the binds may not actually persist.
  15. So is your way permanent?
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I think if you don't put the quotation marks around it the Rust client will reset them next restart.
  17. Ok bc i use this everyday and wrote a script that automatically inserts this into console everytime rust restarts bc it wipes the cmds. A permanent bind method will make my script obsolete
  18. Goa


    Hi ladies and gents, i want to bind SHIFT+R button to ent kill. How should i bind it to shift+r?