1. Sup.

    For the sake of simplicity I'd like to have my console and chat commands essentially the same.
    For example:
    Chat command:
    /testplugin test
    Console command:
    testplugin test
    Instead of the usual console command:

    Would this be considered bad practice? Cause issues in the future? Or generally not preferred to be in plugins on Oxide?
  2. In that case your console command would be global.testplugin which can be used as testplugin which you can do, basically user preference if you ask me.
  3. I did wonder what global was for in the AddConsoleCommand method. So you think it is user preference to have it like testplugin.test instead of testplugin test? Or just what ever I prefer?
  4. What you prefer, there aren't really any rules on how commands should look like, but generally speaking global.testplugin would be exactly the same as a /testplugin chat command
  5. Ok thanks for your response Mughisi!