1. You need to name your button and then set 'close' : 'button name', so on click player will close this button + set 'command' 'your console command' -> button will close and call command to draw new gui - PROFIT!
                                ""name"": ""TitlePanelBase"",
                                        ""command"": ""open.panel"",
                                        ""color"": ""0 0 0 0""
                                        ""anchormin"": ""0.07 0.91"",
                                        ""anchormax"": ""0.93 0.98""
  2. so the actual key to all that working ui stuff is using console commands?
  3. Yes and it's working perfect ;)
  4. so basicly calling a kill console command which executes the DestroyUI line, fine gonna try it
  5. You can set 'close' (client will close UI object with this name when button pressed)
  6. So I am currently working on an Extension for the UI. I am building a simplified system that will work similar to that of a Unity GUI system.

    I didn't have time to test this yet but the "command":"cmdName" line, can you actually send parameters along the command name? for example "command":"cmdName value1" ?
  7. Nice idea - still:

  8. Yes you can
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2015
  9. ^^ "Yes, you can"
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'd recommend taking the time to make it as a plugin, extensions are generally not needed and aren't being accepted on the site.
  11. Quoted it to him ^^
  12. IMAGE: http://gyazo.com/6775943f2c7735ded84c521740db5c74

    I am currently running more than just a simple plugin. This is a full Class library focused on simplifying the UI system, so it is running more than just one class. I can understand if this is not allowed on Oxides website, so I will find another way to share it then.

    also, If I am not allowed to talk about the extension on the oxide forums, please let me know so I don't get punished for it :s .
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There's nothing wrong with talking about extensions, but generally most things can still be done via plugins. It's encouraged to develop as a plugin, as third-party extensions most likely will not be accepted on most hosts, as there is no sandboxing them. Many users do not have access to install extensions either, and extensions require server restarts. If you aren't accessing anything that a plugin can't access, then go with a plugin.

    The other option is instead discussing what could be added to the Oxide.Game.Rust.dll that we provide instead of making a standalone one, PR changes, and work with the other developers on making something more usable and stable that all would have access too.
  14. Okay so in that case I will rather continue working on the extension, because it is in a very early stage. Those who can help test it is more than welcome! Once I get the full system under wraps, I'll try and get the system on Oxide.Game.Rust.dll
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Sounds good! :)
  16. I have no clue...
  17. The web page not screwed? =(
  18. I think the thing I would be interested in is getting a minimap on screen... (; Using RustIO map would be amazing too...

    I made a simple level bar and profile hud for the RPG Mod... But nothing too crazy as it is not that expanded with the UI at the moment...
  19. Im waiting for easier usability propably...