1. Hello,

    I am just looking for a dev , who can create plugin like serveur combattag.


    You can pm me.
  2. I recently played on combat tag server and would like to create a form of combat tag on my server. I want a way users can go to our town, go into a place to tp to combat tag, be able to join and switch teams, and leave whenever. Also the choice for a *host* to change pre set weapon kits. If this is possible please let me know, if it will cost for someone to make it, let me know your price.
  3. I would Imagine this is achievable by yourself with some creativity and ZoneManager, EventManager, and maybe CopyPaste to keep the area/battlefield
  4. Thanks for the tip!
  5. Still looking for someone to help with this, We are willing to pay. Thanks!
  6. Ive heard of Battlefield, CombatTag, and Embankment, but I dont know the differences sadly, could you explain in more detail?

    Theres definiltley interest in CombatTag servers on Reddit ----> We need more combat tag servers... • r/playrust
  7. Maybe this will help. Its the same idea that i am trying to do, we are just trying to do it on a small scale, one arena.
  8. Is there a combat tags type teleportation plugin anywhere?
  9. not a free one that I know of it's probably private
  10. Can anyone make/sell me a teleportation plugin like the one they use in combat tags?
  11. Hey could someone make a plugin like the combat tag ones ill pay for it.
  12. just a heads up anyone making this will be charging probably around £200. This is an entire game mode.