1. Which hook should be use:OnRocketLaunched or OnPlayerAttack??
    how to get the damage value and change it?
  2. Rockets won't trigger the OnPlayerAttack hook, if you'd open up the Explosives modifier plugin you'll see how I modify the damage dealt by rockets with the OnRocketLaunched hook.
  3. Thank you! I get it. There is a TimedExplosive class.
    void OnRocketLaunched(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity)
      var explosive = entity as TimedExplosive;
      if (!explosive) return;  foreach (var damage in explosive.damageTypes)
      damage.amount *= RocketDamageModifier / 100;  explosive.explosionRadius *= RocketRadiusModifier / 100;
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2015