1. Can i change the max health amount of foundation? If yes, can i set diffrenet max amount of health for different foundations.
  2. I think it’d probably be easier to modify the players damage to particular foundations.
  3. No, i asked that i need :)
  4. Hmm then maybe this "block.currentGrade.gradeBase.baseHealth" block is a type of "BuildingBlock"
  5. Hm, i will check.
  6. I dont need ready plugin, i will check code of this plugin, thank you. But i want to know, can i create 2 stone foundations with different health
  7. Not at creation, but they can be different afterwards by any custom interaction
  8. Man, i am not stupid. I want to know way, how i can change maxHelath of building block. That all, i can easy integrate it in any that i want, raycast, hammer hit, idk. I want only way how to change maxHealth of block :)
  9. Probably wasn't calling you stupid, just answering your question ;) - Either way, give this a shot.
            public void setMaxHealth(BaseEntity entity)
                BaseCombatEntity ent = (BaseCombatEntity)entity; //Gets the BaseCombatEntity from the entity itself.
                ent._maxHealth = 500f; //Sets the max health
                ent.ResetState(); //Resets the health to max