1. I recently started a dedicated Hurtworld server through uHostPro and I'm having a number of problems since I'm a total noob.One is I can't seem to find out if adding my steam 64ID as an admin worked. Another problem is I try to type things into my Web Console and it is showing NO response whatsoever. It just keeps telling me ping and that stuff. But mainly the not being able to add myself as an admin or tell if I have successfully is the problem. Because I keep trying to give myself items in the game to no avail. Please help ? :c
  2. Okay, first of all do you have a FTP software, something like filezilla?
    I find this an easier way to access files for your server.

    If you don't want to do that route you can still do this..

    Go into file manager > autoexec.cfg

    then write "addadmin 76561198087800000"

    but where "76561198087800000" is write your id.. That is then you as admin and you can write commands in the console using F1 in game, don't write it in the web console.
  3. like i have to type "addadmin" in the box where it says Steam64ID? I've been writing just my ID without the admin part
  4. Yes, write exactly "addadmin 76561198087800000" but with your id. :)
  5. I did that, restarted the server and then went in game with the f1 console and tried to give myself items and it won't :c This kind of stuff hates me I swear lol
  6. F1 than serverstatus. if you can see, you are admin.
  7. When I type serverstatus all I see is >serverstatus.

    I also went through file manager to the autoexec.cfg and hit the pencil to edit it and all that was in the page that popped up was

    quit 86400
    loadbalancerframebudget 100
  8. You will see players list online . (serverstatus)

    check your steam64ID > Steam ID Finder / Simple ID Converter
  9. I know my steam 64ID already. :c
  10. Same here with the autoex
  11. Heres a screenshot of mine, Screenshot restart server afterwards. But insert your 64ID where mine is.
  12. I can't see your screenshot :c