1. Hello ,

    i reinstalled today my hurtworld-Server with the LGSM Tool and i get all the time the error

    Edit : and i did chmod +x CSharpCompiler.x86 and CSharpCompiler.x86_64

    19:17 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3105...
    19:17 [Info] Loading extensions...
    19:17 [Error] Cannot compile .cs (C#) plugins; CSharpCompiler.x86 is not executable
    19:17 [Error] An exception was thrown by the type initializer for Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall
    19:17 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3105 by Oxide Team
    19:17 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3105 by Oxide Team
    19:17 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3105 by Oxide Team
    19:17 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3105 by Oxide Team
    19:17 [Info] Loaded extension Hurtworld v2.0.3105 by Oxide Team
    19:17 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Hurtworld'
    19:17 [Info] Loading plugins...
    19:17 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity Core v2.0.3105 by Oxide Team
    19:17 [Info] Loaded plugin Hurtworld v2.0.3105 by Oxide Team
    Debian 8.7 Jessie (64 Bit)
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Do you have any problem compiling plugins though?
  3. None of my plugins are working. They dont compile
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Is the compiler under the same user that the server is running under?
  5. Yes it is.
  6. I had the same issue (on Ubuntu) with LGSM and got it resolved by installing lib32z1
    So try: apt-get install lib32z1
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2017
  7. Thanks man it works :) thanks for your time mate ;)