1. was working perfectly
    I did not modify this part of the code
    I modified other parts
    now is giving this error
    I don't know what to do
    can anyone help me?
            void chatCash(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
                SendReply(player, String.Concat("Seu cash atual e: ", Convert.ToString(ObterCash(player))));
            int ObterCash(BasePlayer player)
                string ID64 = player.userID.ToString();
                var menu = Config[ID64] as Dictionary<string, object>;//->the error is here next
                if (menu != null)
                    object value;
                    menu.TryGetValue("cash", out value);
                    int cash = Convert.ToInt32(value);
                    if (cash > 0)
                        return cash;
                        return 0;
                    return 0;
    [DOUBLEPOST=1426531538][/DOUBLEPOST]Config[ID64] //error is here
    [DOUBLEPOST=1426555983,1426530125][/DOUBLEPOST]I found the solution
    I will leave here for if someone has the same problem
    I mechi in another callback code and removed the
    LoadConfig ();
    just added it and problem solved