--- layout: forums title: 'BotSpawn | Page 85' breadcrumbs: - "Plugin Support": "/forums/plugin-support.31/" ---



Total Downloads: 11,762 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

5/5, 81 likes
  1. Why is there no limit to the number of robot refreshes
  2. use 'bot.count' console command to prove for certain that they aren't spawning.
    If they aren't, ensure that 'Activate : true' is set for at least one monument. You'll need to reload the plugin.
    Also check the console output for any errors when reloading the plugin.

    server settings nav_disable should be false and nav_grid should be true.
    This needs to be set in the server startup script, then the server restarted,
    although they are the server defaults so, if you haven't changed anything, just confirm them by typing 'nav_disable' and 'nav_grid' in console.
    If either comes back incorrect, double check your startup script.
    If that checks out, your provider may be overriding the defaults.

    What is bodies to bags plugin?
    I'd recommend unloading it and testing again.

    There is no check on-death to see if it's a scientist or murderer.
    Whatever it is, the hot bar is wiped and the rest is left.

    If that proves irrelevant I'll fire up the server and check it out.
    Sorry, what do you mean?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2017
  3. Hello! Currently I am having an error with my kits/bots and help would very much be appreciated. Every time my bot's spawn at my custom location with a kit equipped via config (I have yet to test if this is also true at monuments) I will get this error "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object", this is seemingly per bot and occurs every time that they spawn, so I assume it's having trouble finding the kit, but I'm not sure why.

    Also, I have tested with multiple different kits, with and without ammo, inventory items and clothing. I will get the same error each time. It feels like this a bit of a silly problem perhaps, but help would very much be appreciated

    Attached Files:

  4. Are there any additional errors in the console?
    You should be warned if the kit is invalid/not found, or if there's no primary weapon.

    Does the bot get the kit OK, or is it just spawning as default scientist/murderer?

    Thanks for the report.
  5. its just the one error, but it occurs every time each individual bot spawns so if there were 3 bots it would give me 3 errors. It will spawn as A scientist for a couple seconds but then will instantly convert to a full naked with nothing on him.
  6. I got a request but Im not sure if its doable or not.

    My request is to make an option that when you spawn in a bot it wont shoot at you or clan/friends, My wish would be that people can hire scientists to patrol the location they get spawned in but not shooting their own owners/clan members/friends. is this possible?
  7. Ah, ok. Yeah, your kit is empty.
    I didn't write in a custom error notice for that.

    Set up your inventory as the kit should be then do /kit edit NAME then /kit items.

    That should sort it out.
    That's absolutely possible and something I very much want to introduce but, with the way bots just wonder off, I haven't done it yet.
    If/when there's a 'proper' way to keep them in or near an area, I'll be introducing new options like you've described.
  8. but if you're able to spawn them to the location infront of you it should be working right? they wont be running in thru walls right?

    another request I just noticed thats pretty "annoying", could you make it useable turning on/off death note with the death note plugin?

    ps: the bot_health aint changing their health apparently
  9. I'm not sure what you're asking but my previous answer addresses your request.
    No, I don't believe they will walk through walls.

    No, that would need to be an option in DeathNotes.

    The max is 100, for the time being. FP changed it recently.
  10. okey, am I able to make more then 1 custom kit per location? incase yes, how?
  11. No, but you can have more than one profile per location which gives the same result, but with more versatility. ;)
  12. aah nice!
    ah see that now :) thanks for the really quick responses ;)
  13. hey @Steenamaroo , Ive tried out the custom profiles abit now and Ive run into something that might be able to get improved or something I might be missing.

    when I make a custom profile I get the position Im doing it at, but this means I will need to change the position everytime I wipe the map and change the seed, is there any way you could make the custom profiles to have an option in the regular config that they all spawn at the middle of the different rad towns with a radius like the regular config does? sorry if that got abit confusing :p this meaning, maybe you could make the custom profile config categoried with the different rad towns as the regular is, atleast so you have the option to make it automatically change to the new sites on map change
  14. Hi there,
    Yeah, there's no provision to handle custom-locations across a wipe, although the bots do find ground level from a birsdeye view so while custom locations may not make sense after a wipe, they still should spawn on the ground somewhere.

    Really the expectation is that people will wipe their data and start again, although I did include a command to /botspawn move NAME to save people the trouble of rewriting or copy/pasting the whole list of details every time,
    but I don't think anyone uses it, as I found out last night there's an error in the code. :p

    If people are using custom bots in copy/paste built areas and arenas, for example, that'd just be one more command they have to do to get it set up.

    The move command will be fixed in the next V but I think that's as much as I'd want to do in that area.
  15. Ok I have a question. I have a PVE server but I wont to place BOT on certain monument to make it more interesting for my players. My problem is if I put the PVE Plugin I can not kill the AI but they can kill me. Can someone help plz.
  16. u need to add a new rule more about it u find here TruePVE | Page 54 | Oxide
  17. Thank's a lot. It work like a charm :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2017
  18. hehe I see :D I'm extremely new on this plugin, pretty much downloaded it yesterday and tried getting it the way I had in my mind :p but I will be waiting until a release with a fixed /botspawn move NAME so its abit more handy on upcoming wipes.
    Abit sad that we couldnt get the customized automatically tho :( would had been a real relief

    The regular config file right now is zone based for one certain bot per zone, would it actually be alot additional scripting making the custom bots zone based aswell?

    PS: I appologize if I sound like a douche, not intended to do so
  19. Hey,
    Not everyone will be using custom locations to supplement the default config locations.
    People will have custom bots in a variety of different natural and custom-built locations.

    I think the move command is adequate.
  20. Steenamaroo updated BotSpawn with a new update entry:
