1. Noob question where do I go t find the books needed to write plugins are they stored somewhere?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can write plugins in C#, Lua, JavaScript, or Python. Google would be your best source for tutorials and basic information on how each of those languages work. From there you can review our docs at http://docs.oxidemod.org/, and dig further into the game DLLs using a decompiler if needed.
  3. I see it mentioned a lot on decompliing the game dll's is there a guide to that. Im working on my own plugins but its just so hard to find the right info.

    One example is how do i give aplayer an item. sounds easy but i cant figure it out lol.
  4. personally i use .NET Reflector
    everybody has his own thing they use ;)