1. i can spawn the fireball but how do i attack it so when a player moves it moves with them.

    BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player)
               if (!npcData.NpcTP.ContainsKey(npc.UserIDString)) return; // Check if this NPC is registered       
            Effect.server.Run("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/weapons/landmine/landmine_explosion.prefab", player.transform.position);
            BaseEntity FireBombArrow = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/bundled/prefabs/oilfireballsmall.prefab", player.transform.position);
            timer.Once(10, () => FireBombArrow.Kill());
            SendReply(player, "Get away from me you are not MVP");
  2. If setting the parent doesn't work. Then maybe create a class, and with Update or whatever the function is within a class set the entity as the player position. HeliRide has a fair example of how you could do it I suppose.
  3. i seem to be missing somthing still as it will not follow the player.

            class FireBall : MonoBehaviour
                    public BasePlayer player;
                                void Awake()
            var player = GetComponent<BasePlayer>();           
            var PlayerPOS = player.transform.position;                   BaseEntity FireBurn = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/bundled/prefabs/oilfireballsmall.prefab",  new Vector3(),  new Quaternion(), true);   
            FireBurn.transform.localPosition = PlayerPOS;
            void OnEnterNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player)
            {           if (!npcData.NpcTP.ContainsKey(npc.UserIDString)) return; // Check if this NPC is registered       
               Effect.server.Run("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/weapons/landmine/landmine_explosion.prefab", player.transform.position);
               SendReply(player, "Get away from me you are not MVP");
  4. FireBurn.SetParent(player); the local position is what you would use to offset the childs transform to the parents transform. But beware, attaching that entity to a player will kill them from fire damage
  5. Thanks im aware that its going to kill them.... im still not having any luck.

            class FireBall : MonoBehaviour
             public BasePlayer player;
             public Vector3 PlayerPOS;
             public BaseEntity FireBurn;
                void Awake()
            var player = GetComponent<BasePlayer>();         
            PlayerPOS = player.transform.position;         
            FireBurn = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/bundled/prefabs/oilfireballsmall.prefab",  new Vector3(),  new Quaternion(), true);                    FireBurn.transform.localPosition = PlayerPOS;
            void OnEnterNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player)
            {           if (!npcData.NpcTP.ContainsKey(npc.UserIDString)) return; // Check if this NPC is registered     
               Effect.server.Run("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/weapons/landmine/landmine_explosion.prefab", player.transform.position);
               SendReply(player, "Get away from me you are not MVP");
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2017
  6. Got it thanks.
    Not to clean it all up
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2017
  7. Guess one more problem. i half to have this. for it to work but throwing error. if ido not have the 2 lines fire will not display.
    Can't add component 'Rigidbody' to assets/bundled/prefabs/oilfireballsmall.prefab because such a component is already added to the game object! How do i destroy that object?

                    ((Rigidbody)FireBurn.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))).isKinematic = true;
            readonly Dictionary<ulong, Timer> timers = new Dictionary<ulong, Timer>();                        
            void OnEnterNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player)
                ulong playerId = player.userID;
                string npcId = npc.UserIDString;  
                string Perms = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].permission;
                var NoPermDie = npcData.NpcTP[npcId].NoPermKill;
                if (player is BaseNPC || player.IsDestroyed || permission.UserHasPermission(player.userID.ToString(), Perms)) return;
               if (!npcData.NpcTP.ContainsKey(npc.UserIDString)) return; // Check if this NPC is registered     
               if (NoPermDie == false) return;
            SendReply(player, "Get away from me you are not MVP");
            PlayerPOS = player.transform.position;
                var playerPos = player.transform.position;
                var playerRot = player.transform.rotation;
            BaseEntity FireBurn = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/bundled/prefabs/oilfireballsmall.prefab", playerPos, playerRot);  
                    FireBurn.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
                    timer.Once(30, () => FireBurn.Kill());
                    player.SendConsoleCommand($"say this is a test");
                    ((Rigidbody)FireBurn.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))).isKinematic = true;
            void OnLeaveNPC(BasePlayer npc, BasePlayer player)
               if (player is BaseNPC || player.IsDestroyed || !timers.ContainsKey(player.userID)) return;
               if (!npcData.NpcTP.ContainsKey(npc.UserIDString)) return; // Check if this NPC is registered              
            void applyBlastDamage(BasePlayer player)
                if (player != null || !timers.ContainsKey(player.userID))
                        timers[player.userID] = timer.Every(3, () =>
                            if (player.IsDead() && timers.ContainsKey(player.userID))
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2017