1. Hello,

    Sorry to post a lot of questions recently, I've came across the API Documentation but I read someone saying that the documentation is outdated.

    Is this the best place to find the hooks and methods that can be used?
    Oxide/RustCore.cs at develop · OxideMod/Oxide · GitHub
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That and the .opj will list all hooks, internal hooks (ones prefixed with I), and patches. You can't use internal or patches though.

    We do have a spreadsheet we've been working on to try to tidy up hooks: The Taming of the Hooks.
  3. Awesome that spreadsheet looks great :) If I import the GitHub source into Visual Studio will IntelliSense help with variable types etc?
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin