Solved Anti chat spam

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JAJEDE, Apr 15, 2017.

  1. Is it there any anti flood for betterchat?
  2. Not at the moment, it was taken out by LaserHydra for some mysterious get BetterChat working again reason. There's an anti-flood plugin that doesn't work with BetterChat, but I'm sure LaserHydra or possibly Togoshige's from what I suspect is working on this. :eek: :)
  3. Yeah, i supposed to. but well, its just about to wait, antiflood it is indispensable for any server.
  4. I would love to see this revived as well.
  5. This may not be optimal if you have other plugins using the chat hooks that BetterChat provides, but it's the best solution I'm aware of at the moment. Another option is downgrading your BetterChat.
  6. I'm working on this at the moment, it should be out soon :)
  7. Any news?
  8. Hello,

    Sorry if this already exist but is there a spam blocker that works with BetterChat?

  9. Also looking for the same thing xiMCS
  10. Is this available yet?
  11. I've made a plugin for this, it will be released whenever @Wulf approves.

    It has a configurable cooldown and a bypass permission :)
  12. Well done mate! :D