1. will having oxide installed on my server when the alpha 14 update goes live will there be a huge slew of problems? if so id like to know how i could disable oxide for the time being if there are any problems that is.
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Once you update to Alpha 14, Oxide wouldn't be installed anymore. ;)

    Every time a game is updated, the game becomes unmodded, so you'd need to apply Oxide again. Generally you'd need to wait for an update though, as old builds have old game files in them.
  3. so i should back up my currect plugin configurations?
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Generally it's good to keep backups, but Oxide updates normally would not affect plugin configurations.
  5. If I may add, how much time does it take to oxide to update prior to the game's update?
  6. We can't update until RoK has updated, and the time it takes for us to update depends on how much has actually changed to the methods we hook into.